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Fiery BUTT Peaceful? | Grunt Speak Live Highlights


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Published on 26 Apr 2021 / In News & Politics

⁣The #CrazyDrunkUncles give their thoughts on the continuing series of stunning and brave, fiery but peaceful protests that seem to have no end in sight.
Watch the full Grunt Speak Live stream here:
#BlackLiesMatter #PantyFascists #GruntSpeakLive

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Gishanness 4 years ago

Don't mean to sound sadistic nor hateful but at this rate. I can only hope for a global insurrection that would result in the abolition of government coupled with merciless torture and slaughter of all the government officials in all the 252 countries.

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fishandchicks 4 years ago

The Hegelian Dialectic
- problem, reaction, solution
I think we can agree that the Kung-Flu Hoax was a deliberate diversion to control the narrative of a predetermined global deflationary event. (The Great Reset)

Which had everything to do with a collapsing global fiat system, and if left to
decompose naturally, whole governments around the world would have been toppled.

This is a False Flag providing cover for the collapse of the global fiat system.
Yes, the virus is real (the annual flu) with a 99% survival rate. BUT yet the ill-informed are submitting to an experimental injection, multi-national organizations leading lambs to the slaughter… Those same multi-nationals that own the media & our politicians coordinate the message to over hype the reality of its effects; it is no more than a ploy… PLEASE open your eyes!!!

This is a simple fear porn story being played out for the public's benefit...

What they don't know will not hurt them, so let them bicker amongst themselves while
the plantation masters build an even more impressive jail to keep and train the

I am pretty sure this was the plan from the beginning... fiat has only ever run
for 45 years, and we are at the end of this ride...


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Councilof1 4 years ago

I only pay attention to the news if I want to watch comedy.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

This would be more interesting if only Terrence voice was audible.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

They obsess over all the distressing, divisive shit NONSTOP. What positive things do they talk about? Always shitting on millennials, but never questioning WHY the millennials are so fucked. I'm realizing how bleak their worldview has become, and it's getting old to me.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: I miss good old Popp videos. He is selling out. The doomsday videos are repetitive, live streams... 70% the married muppet talks shit nonstop. Occasionally there's an interesting guest, but I don't view it unless I get a hint from someone. TFM episode was one I didn't care to watch, but was a good one. The muppet had nothing on TFM and finally he was in silence for a relevant amount of time.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@TheManInside: Yeah, he knows he's selling out too. It's probably why he never responds to criticism in the comments. They see all our comments, but they ignore them. Even with guests, Blake will absorb as much limelight as possible. Just ruins the viewing experience for me.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@TheManInside: Also, isn't funny how practically none of his fans point out the glaring problems that we do? Shows how they're afraid to critique Popp because he has a large following, thus they treat him as an infallible demigod or something.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: was thinking the same. I'll never have the opportunity to tell them this face to face, and I would tell them. I'm writing this not to shit on Popp, but because I still have respect for him. I wouldn't bother if I didn't care. Popp was the one who brought me to this site. Initially I would only view his videos here, no one else's. I'm not an ungrateful bastard, but I'm not licking anyone's boots.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@TheManInside: Exactly my sentiment too. Maybe he'll read this by some fluke of luck. Probably not, but I'll keep show

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@TheManInside: ing up occasionally to respectfully critique him. We might be successful. Small chance, but it could happen.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: Not exactly criticising. I see what's wrong, I'm not the only one, I may be a vocal one, but not the only one. If he doesn't care, why should i? Remember that episode with the couple who was on a tv show, no idea which one, but they were manipulated by the crew. That episode added no value whatsoever to anything. Was nothing more than entertainment, but was not bad entertainment for someone, who like me, don't watch tv. Nothing wrong with trying new things, different approaches to what one does. Then, there was the episode with the woman with the huge tits. I have no idea who she is or her name. On this episode, both spent the entire episode pampering to her and drooling over her tits. The same exact thing Popp tells men not to do. She was all smiles and giggles. I seriously suspect she was uncomfortable, or... Let's face it, Popp is a "giant", and she wouldn't mind a few moments alone with him. Recently there was another episode with another woman, I couldn't even be bothered to watch more than a few seconds after I saw her picture. She thinks she's funny, she's just another female hating men who thinks she's better than men, she act's masculine, looks masculine, talks masculine. Why was she on the show is something I will never understand. At least the previous one had something nice to look at. I would enjoy if Bettina Arndt was a guest on Popp's show. One on one with Terrence alone.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@TheManInside: I have no idea about which episodes you speak of. I stopped watching all his long-form interviews with guests. Like Hammerhand, I do not believe in bringing women into this MALE-ONLY space. I see the hypocrisy and weakness of some of the creators on here: trying to be 'nice' and slide women into the limelight here. This is a MGTOW site. Giving stage to women is a bad isea, and it gives fuel to the accusation that most MGTOW are just pussy-starved losers that will revel in any female attention. I don't care who does it, it's some weak-ass, feminine shit. Interview women somewhere else. After a while, the attention that brings will get the website shut down, and us possibly doxxed.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: you can't have a male space. They'll infiltrate everywhere.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: I'm done with Terrence Popp. He just made it obvious Blake is the one running the show. I'm not going to chip in again. People are free to do whatever they feel is right (to them). I'm not going to care anymore. Popp allowed a SIMP to climb on his back and get the spotlight. Yes Blake, you're a SIMP and I'm talking to you. You are ruining what Popp had. Do your gay voices, I'm going to have a good laugh when your divorce rape news get out. You deserve it.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@TheManInside: Couldn't have said it better myself. Especially the part about Blake. We know you see this, Blake.

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

Had an interview which aired on 3 channels and edited so there were 3 versions of what was said. A Fire Captain later told never talk to reporters they just screw up everything.

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