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Fight or Flight My Boss?

Published on 25 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation
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NeoGeoGamer 1 year ago

Advice from YT employment laywer Brannigan Law: make a gmail account and Bcc yourself in all emails. Bcc means it won't show up on their end that you did it. But IT dept will be able to see it. But, by the point they ask IT to check, you will have done it enough times that they're in deep shit.

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NeoGeoGamer 1 year ago

I missed a big opportunity to do this to a shitty boss. It was early in my career so I didn't know what to do or how, but looking back, I could have easily gotten a 6-figure settlement out of them by playing a few cards right. They weren't the reasonable kind, I'd have had to bring in a lawyer, but it would have been worth it because they would have retaliated and the lawyer would have pushed their shit in.

It's tragic that the workplace is this broken, but it is what it is. I'll never be an employee again, but if I were, I'd write down EVERYTHING, and wouldn't hesitate to blackmail them for money. If you can't afford to be blackmailed, then you can't afford to be an asshole.

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Mustang 1 year ago

One big problem Clary, The Boss has all the power. Fail.

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