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Fighting the War on Fathers | Live From The Lair


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Published on 06 Jan 2025 / In Comedy

Want to actually win in Family Court? You may have to get your hands a little dirty.
#TerrencePopp #CultureWar #DivorceCorps
Edited by Sogo

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Popp, they literally want to kill us. Us Veterans are their true eniemy bevause we know war. We know their tactics cause we seen them in action overseas. Many of us Christians are owning guns, the trifecta of their fears.

And then there's guys like me... on top of that, We know evil: We have seen in it first hand and for me, fought against as a ghost before The Gods sent me back. We have people like me who know physics and chemistry and nuclear chemistry and quantum mechanics... basically our reality and our explosives per se. Based on my experiences, I suspect they tried to drive me into Idk like terrorism or something going unhinged; However, they can not account for God (El), for good- the goodness in us men, for self-discipline, and for angelic interventions. We men are the Stoic creation of our God El. Those of us with our Souls are more dangerous to them.

And then, I am an artist able to perceive through their lies and deceptions, push new reinterpretations via art, ie open peoples eyes,
solve problems through troubleshooting, and ask the questions they don't want you to consider let alone ask and I can communicate it quickly and efficiently say as memes or scenes... They do not like that at all. And from as many out of work and out of industry artists I have come upon, there's a nation of us...I am their Fear cubed.

We Americans can and will stop them, especially when we have our guns. They do not understand is and they are arrogant enough to think they can tame or weaken us...We have A Spirit they can not defeat. So, do you know why The Gods like us humans? Because We have the potential: You know what pleases Them? When we use it... America is The Land of the Free and Brave because we push into that potential hence our ONE NATION UNDER GOD (EL ELOHIM.) That's why they fear us and what to unarm us. We are stronger than Europe: Hell, we defeated the Greatest Empire the world's ever seen whose lands the sun never stop shining upon, TWICE because they did not learn the first time... Not to mention, we saved ourselves, our freedom, and the world from the claws of defeat by the German war machine, not once, but twice again...

And to top that off, the (Holy) Spirit is actively guiding us, coordinating us, and helping us end their evil tyranny and attempt to enslave all of mankind. WE CAN DO THIS! WHY? BECAUSE WE ARE GOD FEARING AMERICANS AND OUR GODD HAVE OUR BACK. Just saying. If more people were paying attention... This would be over by now. Not to forget, the world is eager to adopt our winning strategies and tactics once we demonstrate them. Because This Is DA WAY! These Fear merchants and kid diddlers never really had a chance. Let's remind them in 2025.

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