Final Warning - History of the NWO by the Prophecy Club
The anti-Christ new world order has already formed under control of lucifers children in the international financiers. They control both sides of the game and force the pawns to kill each other by fomenting the circumstances to begin a war or conflict.
Recent fomentation has been going on to begin a large war between the U.S. & the S.C.O.
You should be able to see this with our country laying down its nuclear weapons and the S.C.O. (Russia & China) building massive military forces. Then we post many threats to China & Russia & our police sexually assault diplomats from India. Those actions will not favor us very much in the end, which may be the Biblical fall of mystery Babylon that occurs in one hour and it just so happens that Russia & China practice war games to destroy the U.S. in one hour. It seems the Anti-Christ's are almost complete with their fomentation of the next game. Now that we have no civil defense & have virtually neutralized our nuclear shield.
Be aware, be awake, be prepared, Repent & be Baptized.
Bring back Christian America, Bring back Christendom!
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