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Published on 26 Feb 2024 / In Other


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AWESUM BROTHER that's great and looks Toasty. Let it burn and throw the Haters onto of it :D Godbless and Godspeed \G/

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DMAN50 10 months ago

Thank You Sir o7 GodBless

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Must be a cold place, clear sky and the temperature dropping fast......

Here we have a total fireban thing happening....

Not totally insane - just don't light fires type shit....

Totally insane, HUGE wet spring and lots of plant growth... no fires for years, lots of ground litter (dead leaves and branches and thick dead grass etc), then it all dries out and dies off over summer and then the super HOT summer days of high 30's and medium 40's (*C) and blazing hot gale force summer winds from across a few thousand K of desert...

Naaa not that bad, just windy and dry - and the fires will pick up really fast and spread and travel long distances...

I was here when the temperature was 53*C in the shade and the wind speed was a constant 120 Kmh on the ground for a few days - and half the country was on fire....

Fuck - that is VERY frightening.....

All you can do is mow the lawn to the dirt, and full up the bath tub and buckets with water and hope the fire doesn't come through the area.....

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DMAN50 10 months ago

I am very blessed brother, living in the mountains i get to do this whenever i have time. Glad you enjoyed! Thanks o7

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