First Date
Published on 04 Dec 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Professional scammers
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"Pretend you don't have a vagina". Sparks start to fly from her skull, smoke jets from her ears and blood gushes out her nose. Lol
The LAST Date I had was in a balsa wood tray covered in plastic with a little wooden fork. It had more Taste than most femon's I've dated I can tell you! and not so clingy either!
This actually reminds me of a Date I had way back in the 1980! lol! Once I pre-arranged to met this very plain and dowdy chick in a pub. In those day's the local paper had a page called "Find a Fiend" (Sorry Find a FRIEND)! and an old mate of mine and myself used to write of to these ad's and the next evening we would tell of our experiences! lol! This chick came in to the pub, walked straight over to ME and said are you him from find a fiend? she shoved me over and sat down and asked for a Pimm's. rather startled at this I replied "Can I get you a drink"? Yeh a Pimm's I said. anyway stupidly enough ? I remained there. All she fucking talked about was this fiat sports car she had turned up in, remember this was in the 80's when Fiat car's were SHITE! Anyway I said excuse me I need the men's room and slipped out the back door of the pub where I had taken the precaution to park! lol!