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Flechettes - The Darts of War

Published on 23 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation

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These are interlinked.

The education about big guns being used as big shot guns...

A Terrible Hailstorm Canister and Grapeshot in Linear Warfare, as portrayed in Union of Salvation

And the movie that some of the scenes were extracted from.

Union of Salvation

The history and developments of Flechettes - Little Arrows that go in big guns.

Flechettes - The Darts of War

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mrghoster 10 days ago

I would NOT like to face an Army that thinks a "Camera" is a Weapon! lol!

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Yeah a few people with the shoulder mounted cameras have been blasted into oblivion... They tend to look like MANPADs .... Man Portable Air Defence Systems - and round based RPG's ... they tend to look exactly like TV Cameras from a K or 2 away.... front on... and the only difference between bein blasted out of the sky and living another day, is firing first. https://upload.wikimedia.org/w....ikipedia/commons/thu

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mrghoster 10 days ago

Great stuff, thanks Mate. You also solved a mystery from my childhood posting this vid. when I was a kid i had an Aircraft Book and in the book was a picture of a biplane with rows of arrow type things along the sides. Now I know what they were, mystery solved.

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Were they one the wings or on the side of the fuselage? Or at what point in the video?

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