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88 vistas
Publicado en 21 Oct 2022 / En Ciencia y Tecnología

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John_Doe 2 años hace

The crime isn't that they're doing this; cuz evil is gonna evil. That's a given.

The crime is that the majority of the 7 billion are allowing it to happen. Evil is just being an opportunist of the people who are willingly trading liberty for the illusion of security. You can't free someone who is voluntarily and happily forging their own chains.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace

its crazy the way they have peoples jumping countries all over.. I can attest to the fact that the hispanics do not sync up with us gringos very well.. in fact, some beaner stole my battery drill .. they all work together to help the other beaners who are your uh, competition.. to get you fired.. the company I work for is owned by gringos though.. They didn't take over miami through working harder than the Americans.. no, we have literal traitors amongst us.. demented Americans making it happen.. more disharmony.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 años hace

ethereal vibration./ even enclosed pendulums will sync up.. i mean without a doubt there is information had by our govt that is not readily shared..

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Bagoodman 2 años hace

And they teach you in any service if you cross a foot bridge with your guys you do it OUT of step !

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Pompousandfaggy 2 años hace

Yeah remember that time that MythBusters tried the Tesla vibrating a building one on a bridge and they stopped because the residence got too crazy

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