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Former Liberal Democrat MP Lembit Opik Tears Apart The Current UK Government - Gareth Icke Tonight

Published on 28 Nov 2024 / In People & Blogs

Gareth speaks to former US Navy JAG officer, special US attorney and nationally bestselling author Don Brown about his latest book.

Former UK MP, author and broadcaster Lembit Opik joins to talk about why he opposes the UK government's drive for net zero, the supply of long range missiles to Ukraine and THAT petition against the government.

Heritage Party leader David Kurten speaks to us about the state of the UK and the seemingly intentional destruction of the nation through insane government policies.

And US Marine Corps veteran and founder of The Freedom People, Bradley Freedom calls us from the USA to talk about real world solutions that people can implement to take back their sovereignty.

Watch the full show at https://www.ickonic.com

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