FREE-!- Gas Powered Air Compressor has MAJOR Problems ~ Can we Bring it BACK from the DEAD!-!-
Here's one for all you petrol heads, but with a differnce? At about 1.32 min's this guy tells you about his philosophy and It is the same as mine. How many of you guys can relate to this guy? I think quite a few of you. anyway enjoy the Wrenching. I'm an Avid Scratchbuilder what I believe in america you call "An original inventer"? could be wrong, but I just love this shuff as It's what i do usually on a smaller scale with rebuilding old Matchbox Toy's and broken diecast I buy of Ebay. I also fbuy and fix broken or faulty DVD/CD players, radio's and shit like that for a couple of bucks and fix them back to good working order, BUT if I had the space this video is what I would be doing. Enjoy get that OIL rushing through your Vane's! lol! by the way I love the Dog's thia guy has.
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