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Freedom Protesters Cheer Veterans as Police Squirm

Published on 12 Nov 2021 / In Film & Animation

REAL MEN comeout in public and support their and everyone elses RIGHT's, Unlike those cowardly brainwashed Government LAKIES. Whilst they are doing what they are doing one day the Government will come for the copper's wives and kid's just like the NAZI's did before? There will be NO thankyou for doing their dirty work, just the same as all of us may get? At least in ?America there are Cops that will be coming out onto the side pf the people if the SHTF? If the SHTF here and a copper comes up to me and tells me what to do even if they are trying to organise shit, the CUNT will get it's throat cut? I'm looking forward to the SHTF because I have a lot of Lawless revenge in my heart to dish out! what I don't understand is if these REAAL MEN of the forces can come forward WTF are all the pongo PUSSIES in the Current armed forces doing, they are the public as well so where the fuck are you CUNT's, or are you going to follow the government to your own destruction? finally a really big thanks to ALL you VET's ouyt their for what you have done for us including at home in desaster's like floods and havoc? Peace Gentlemen. just in case anyone forgot yesterday was the 11 of November, mean anything to anyone? My poppy is on my front door and will remain there for over a weeek as armistis didn't mean fighting stopped, it meant War was over in 14/18 and other conficts. Many STILL died afterwards because the message had to filter through, so my poppy and support and memory stay's put to allow for that?

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Some people understand the difference between nails and decking spikes.

The Covid Nazi Scum - they can just fuck right off.


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sauger1001 3 years ago

A preemptive "divide and conquer" perhaps?

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