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Fresh and Fit After Hours w/ 7 girls

Published on 06 Apr 2022 / In Entertainment

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

when I see this show or watch it for a little while I become depressed. These are some dysgenic mutant looking people. Its like someone intentionally was trying to selectively breed the most hideous looking people with the worst personalities possible. None of these women are wearing feminine clothing, they either look like hookers, or the equivalent of a dude in sweatpants and a stained wifebeater. I cannot believe these women feel comfortable looking like such trash and they then think it is attractive to stick their tongues out in some perverted way, that's how you can tell that they are trash, a woman would typically try to dress up for a special occasion, of course this is no longer the case with these two bit hookers. This looks like a show that would be taking place 1000 plus years in the future after a societal collapse and the whole world turning into Brazilian favela and humans de-evolving. I mean these are truly some trash women. I would be embarrassed to be in the same room as these disgusting women. obese, trashy, tattoo ridden, loud, masculine, and bragging about open relationships. I mean this is disgusting. If this is a sample of what women are available in Miami i would stick my Wang in an electrical socket. I feel sorry for the people who watch and participate in this show, I feel like they must have never seen normal women before. Please stop encouraging these disgusting people. Brutal.

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