Fri Episode #1973: DailyWire Implodes over Christ, Trump’s Education ‘Wipeout’
Today’s host is Gard Goldsmith and today’s guest is Gerald Celente
Hour One: Today, Gardner Goldsmith (Liberty Conspiracy Live M-F at 6 PM - Rumble and his Substack for more)sits in for David, briefly looking at news that there is a breakup among some at the DailyWire over the brass's stance against the statement "Christ is King." Then, Gard digs into the breaking word that Donald Trump has issued an "Executive Order" to "eliminate" the US Department of Education. As one might suspect, that "elimination" is not really happening... Gard discusses the history of the Department, looks at its history of unconstitutional spending and influence on education, and remembers key figures in what is an ongoing fight against government-run, centralized, unworkable "public education."
Hour Two: In this, the second hour of the David Knight Show, guest host Gardner Goldsmith (Liberty Conspiracy Live M-F at 6 PM - Rumble and his Substack for more) that a judge has ORDERED Donald Trump to return to women's prisons men who claim to be 'trans' women. Gard also looks at the collecvitist problems associated with other facets of the US government, such as the US military, about which a judge also has ruled that Trump cannot ban trans in the military. Incredible. Then, Gard digs into word that the International Court of Justice has declared Israel as a rogue state for its ongoing genocide of Palestinians and unfolds the "5-10-Year Plan" from the EU nations to 'replace NATO' and continue the NATO-style aggression on Russia and against people doing business with Russian folks, plus news of the US government targeting banks to make them report transactions of $200 or more!
Hour Three: In this hour of the David Knight Show, Gardner Goldsmith (Liberty Conspiracy Live M-F at 6 PM - Rumble and his Substack for more) welcomes Gerald Celente, peace advocate and publisher of the TrendsJournal. Gerald is one of the few people worldwide who correctly called the 2008 economic crash, and he has much to say about the US economy, Donald Trump's helter-skelter economic schemes, the Federal Reserve, and the US involvement in foreign military conflicts. Then, Gardner recaps the news on the Department of Education to recall the fight that continues for people who believe in freedom.
Those news stories and more, today, on the David Knight Show. Join us, and spread the word! Visitwww.thedavidknightshow.comfor more, including the newest items at the store to help support David and the show!
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