Friction end stop testing China. ----------- See Pinned Comment.
Published on 07 Feb 2025 / In
Film & Animation
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The people designing the mechanism, really had it sorted - and I don't know if they took turns and got it right and then made the video , or it worked as designed first time - as it should, but this is a really good video.
The hydraulic ram, allows the pressure or force on the "Stop" to rise gradually, up to the point where the friction locks (very highly clamped brake pads) on the rails, break free and start to slide along the rails, giving very, very, high braking force, to the wagons (rolling stock).
The wagon is stopped as reasonably quickly as it can be. The tracks remain undamaged through excess force being transferred into them, and the braking stop, depending upon the location, can be reused - in the new position or it can be reset, back up the track.
the faster the cars/train the less effective friction like that is going to be...
you would need massive weights and anchors attached, otherwise it is just a waste of metal, the worlds heaviest paper weight.