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Published on 25 Sep 2022 / In Film & Animation

⁣The unconditionality of true friends.In this piece of fantastic old film about real friendship (from '75), called "Amicci miei" - my friends - you can see something that nowadays is hardly known anywhere. It just dissappear in that materialistic world. all is material and seems, ⁣everything is a simple exchange and always based on interest. Those are the ⁣slogans from power and the apparatuses that govern society. Not before.It was what we used to call "the bandy friends". In this mythical film you can enjoy what I am talking about.The "gypsies" called themselves and they do their thing. Funny and extremely fun as it used to be before the system implement the 3er Phase of ultra control. It is clear that it is a more or less imaginative characterization, but it was based on something that many of us have known, had, enjoyed and -perhaps- still have.
They are the sacrosanct friends. Those who are there for better or worse. Those who never leave you. They are there when there is champagne and when there is just a bitter coffee. Who are there when the pretty and beautiful woman of our dreams has suddently vanished . They - le donne - don't know fidelity, but friends (amigos, amicci ) do. I hope you can understand what they say, because it is mythical the lines. If you ask me, I will translate it into English. Really, a movie out of orbit, out of those hollywood craps that are unviewable anymore, . Everything in it is mythical. amicci miei - mis amigos - , my friends. Toast to all of them.

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