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Published on 07 Mar 2021 / In News & Politics

⁣We have continuously been warned of a Dark Winter and over the past week, a massive Polar Vortex has devastated most of North America

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KEEPER 4 years ago  

if you want to catch the live show, go to
The show is on from 7pm-midnight, pacific time.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

can you imagine not having heat in your house without electricity or even an fire place, having to use your gas stove to make your house warm and running into the issue of dying because the average person has no understanding the dangers of co2 when exposed to the freezing cold temps?

and what if you don't have the gas stove? you are fucked so you go to your car to get warm, but now you need gas in your car and come to the realization that the gas pumps don't work because of the extream cold causing the electricity in the pumps from working.

you got to have multiple plans just in case of shit like this for all possible situations that could come your way. make sure you have food and make sure you do some farming if you have land and if you don't find someone who does and ask them if you can use their land to farm and you will split the food production with them. you gotta do something just in case.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

we went from plandemic to dark winter to the next bullshit down the road, all funded and catered by bill gates. bill gates is an evil man who will bring forth the population under "population control" due to his actions.

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hqwebsite 4 years ago

John McAfee & Bill Gates don't have much in common. Nonetheless, they both anti-virus. John is running from the law but the smarter Bill might simply owns it someday!

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@hqwebsite: that's pretty freaky bro.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@hqwebsite: he has been purchasing a lot of farm land as of late. and the odd thing is we just heard about how some farms arent going to be able to feed everyone, then because of the plandemic lockdowns the food will also rise in price because of inflation, we are starting to look fucked, i think ppl need to start farming on their own land like the old days, and plan for the next disaster caused by our global elites, like weather control tech has been in existence for a while now, and it could be perfected for all i know, the last i heard about that was when ppl were regularly talking about HAARP. but then ppl stopped talking about it.

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hqwebsite 4 years ago

@KEEPER: Farming is high risk venture. If they couldn't repay the loan, they could lose the land. If they accept the subsidy, they can't negotiate on the market price. They are selling it just to settle the debt and rich people like Bill will even low balled the purchase price. The farmers will have to be dependent on welfare from the government that screwed them from the beginning. The farmers are receiving the same fate as small business owner. The same thing also happened here in my country. The price of food just keep increasing despite bountiful harvest.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

this episode is about what happened when that massive storm left the southern states in below freezing tempters that wreaked havoc on the population, and how the events played out and what to do in the events to avoid in the future.

mgtow plan ahead, so hopefully this podcast will have some value to someone out here.

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