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Fuck the police (1963) #aicover

Published on 01 Jul 2024 / In Comedy

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KEEPER 2 days ago  

i got this from youtube, which their filter normally won't allow you to say nigger on the platform, unless you are a black man saying the word or a proceed black man saying the word, the algorithm doesn't know if this is an AI or not, so it allows the channel owner to get away with it, however the channel owner has to censor out the word in written format, so no text on the screen or in the title can say nigger, only in the content of the song.

oh but if your a white dude saying nigger, it's suddenly bad and that guy has to walk on eggshells because reasons allegedly?

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KEEPER 2 days ago

but it's with other words presumed inappropriate, so any slur or swear word has to be censored.

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KEEPER 2 days ago

remember kids, it's ok to be racist if you are already black or gay or lgbtq rainbow dipshits on the internet, all the other races can go suck a dick and walk on glass.

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@KEEPER: Yeah Racism is made up bullshite found out from one of the brothers in chat in Hammers live stream sermon

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KEEPER 2 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: perhaps the word bias works better, but it's still based in skin color and other traits, but i get it, most words were invented that we use, every single word was made up to define something at some point in history if we go by that logic.

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Fuck the Police/Po-Lease they are just policy enforcers and are Babylon scum fuck them scumbags

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I actually prefer this to the original NWA version thanks Brother :D \G/

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KEEPER 2 days ago

wait, there's another version?

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@KEEPER: your trolling me haha, you know the Gangsta RAP group from west coast NWA NIGGAS WITH ATTITUDE featuring Easy E Ice cube you got to be trolling me haha good one

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KEEPER 2 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: well i know who ice cube is but i haven't heard all of his songs, i did listen to a shit load of rap music back in the day, but nowadays i don't know a whole lot, so maybe send me the song or something.

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@KEEPER: I can't I got nuked off of Jewtube, it's NWA - Fuck the police

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KEEPER 2 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: damn, listening to it now, i can't say i ever heard this song back in the day, what year would you say the original is, it sounds early 90s maybe? but i'm not sure.

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@KEEPER: Yeah original was back in the 90s maybe 95 -99

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KEEPER 2 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: i didn't really start listening to rap until after that date, but i knew some of the songs of the early 80s through the 90s, but not a whole lot, mostly the more known ones like 2PAC

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KEEPER 2 days ago

i was the generation listening to eminem lol, that dipshit and his music.

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KEEPER 2 days ago

then limp bizkit, who was sort of rap and rock mix or something.

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@KEEPER: your not the only one brother I was the same and Linkin Park and Nirvana to that list as well

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KEEPER 2 days ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: i've only lately been listening to older style music, i like some of the oldies of stuff before i was born, i was born in the mid 80s, but some of that stuff is tough for me to listen to, it just depends on the sound, i mostly like good vocal music, so Rap isn't really what i'm looking for, however if i can hear a traditional rap song be done in these older styles i might like them maybe...

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KEEPER 2 days ago

but i do also enjoy the comedy in these AI songs lol.

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