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FULL- Common law used correctly under the magna carter to reclaim a public building and educate donut sniffers

Published on 01 Mar 2022 / In News & Politics

The practice of refusing statute birthcirtificate law

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sardonicsmile 3 years ago

They are NOT your friends.
Act accordingly.

Aside: Although, a nicely put together speech. Police have authority, on authorities bestowed on them by the government, like "Exigence" and "Reasonable Suspicion", up to and including the use of force for what reasonable people might consider mundane offenses. They have the authority to Arrest and Jail, even if it in the slightest, impedes or prevents the exercise of police duties.

This whole speech citing "Magna Carta" is just wasted breath and these cops know it. They can very easily knock him down without listening and place him under arrest of MULTIPLE violations and ordinances, which they already have memorized and now you have to defend yourself against; at your own expense.'

Let them have it. Just walk away.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 3 years ago

You seriously do not get LAW. The issue is they are used to people not going through the process of complaints. IT DOES WORK. you have to become your own solicitor and present you as the man and the suoul. Infact i am living proof as i am dong this now. They assaulted and kidnapped me in public without a crime. I am taking them to court once the police reply within the last days of response time.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 3 years ago

Let them have it is basically giving up

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sardonicsmile 3 years ago

@Amanley Load: You, "seriously do not get" Qualified Immunity. But, according to you, "IT WORKS". Okay, go test it out then. As for "becoming your own solicitor"...? You must be joking. Even lawyers will tell younyoubdonnitnhave a case here. In court youbwill have to plead "no contendere" or plead guilty to a lesser charge, because the Judge WILL make an example out of you. Aside: as for your situation: it is Not called "kidnapping" when it is "under color of law" it is called "you're being placed under arrest". You are about to have your attitude seriously readjusted when you go to court. I can tell just by your speech patterns and inflection. The Judge WILL NOT tolerate it the same way we will tolerate it in the comments section. I say again, just let them have it.b Walk away and let the normies fight the system; they think they are winning; theybare just wasting time and money.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 3 years ago

@sardonicsmile: I am testing it out

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 3 years ago

@sardonicsmile: Thats all on consent my dude. Normies dont even find out about this stuff unles to commit crim therefor already becomes a crime because they dont understand it. Other peoplehave already trie and tested this. It has come full fruition where in UK we have the crimes case against humanity with the covid vaccines. They have alsogot centers shut down. The issue with this is you need people and witnesses. and this has resulted in people creating co-ops in the form of a society. Itsnot judges that are the main problem. Its the police.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

That was pretty cool!

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 3 years ago

Countries common law can be practices is Slight reddy pink https://upload.wikimedia.org/w....ikipedia/commons/thu

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