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Gabe Brown discusses how Regenerative Agriculture is a solution to global challenges

Published on 28 Apr 2021 / In How-to & Style

The Carbon Series kicks off with Gabe Brown, legendary Rancher from Bismarck, North Dakota. US Energy had the opportunity to visit the Brown Ranch where Gabe supports 17 enterprises on his 5,000 acres. He tells his story of how and why he made the transition to Regenerative Agriculture and why the industry should embrace this model.

Gabe believes Regenerative Agriculture provides solutions for building capacity and resilience while combating challenges around climate change, desertification, poverty, and food security. Visit to get more information and resources on how and why Regenerative Agriculture is a sustainable solution.

The Carbon Series will be hosting the Carbon Summit on June 16th-17th, 2021 at the College of Idaho (Caldwell) in the heart of the Treasure Valley. Visit for more information or to get involved!

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Mustang 4 years ago

My goodness, how old is this video?! Corn just hit $7.00!!!

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

What and how you plant is important, legumes tend to draw nitrogen from the air and feed the land. Lupins also feed from air enriching the soil. The chemicals used can kill the field rather than fertilize it.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

I agree very much so. One reason why with what is going on today hammerhead69 is because people never got past a D in biology or chemistry. No more critical thinkers in society. I had a photo long ago about a family praying to god thanking for the food they are about to eat on the bottom is a hispanic man that said. *you are welcome* One thing i learned about society and women is why we are were we are at today. Why men gave up on women. They get an easy out. Talking with women in russia or ukraine they have it hard. Stalin behind every house had issued families to have a plot for a garden.

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