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Games & Rants (1/29/21) Unexpected Dumpster Fire!

Published on 29 Jan 2021 / In People & Blogs

Game: Cyber Shadow

This was going to be a great video. We discussed stocks, TFM's deplatforming and some reasons why I think it happened, as well as other topics.

HOWEVER, I did not realize that the volume on the game would be far too loud this time around. You see, 8-bit chiptune music happens to be surprisingly loud and can drown out my microphone easily. This does not happen with other games, just the chiptune games. I should have lowered the game volume by about ten decibels. I am still audible in parts, but DP was pretty much drowned out. We apologize and we will have a much better video next week!

In fact, we're releasing a bonus play video just to make up for this. Please excuse our mess.

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RoboCat 4 years ago

The legendary Kura Diamond.

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tarknan 4 years ago

I think that part of the reason TFM is on platforms such as Trovo is
to have a shotgun effect, essentially placing his eggs in many baskets.
Hoping to eliminate guess work and not be reliant on the stability of any one
service. And not so much due to the political environment there.

That being said you do make some good points and I don't disagree with you.
These days the question becomes; how much time should go into vetting a
service? And whom do you trust?

It seems that there is nowhere left to go, virtually or physically.

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tarknan 4 years ago

That's too bad about the audio but at least you're aware of it. It's good that
what TFM is doing is working for him, but right now it seems too disorganized
or rough I'm waiting for the dust to settle.

I was looking at Trovo because it worked fairly well with TFM's streams and
because I thought of streaming there as well. But you make some good points
about communities and tribalism. I might still try to stream there at some
point, but I do think you're right.

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Grims Dungeon Is Temporarily Down

I looked at it, and it's literally just Chinese Twitch. I get why he's doing it, but there is a possibility of more crap fed posting from gamer trolls. This will actually ruin the shows, so that won't be good in the long run. Thanks for still listening to it despite the audio quality.

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tarknan 4 years ago

Yeah I see you're point that's true. No worries I always enjoy the content hacked lungs and all.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

Tell him to stay away from DR, watch my videos. The place is a dump. It's hot and humid. Have him go out there and do his own research because Scamarona really changed DR. It's not what people say it was just 3 years ago. There is a strict curfew and most places like bars and clubs are closed.

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Grims Dungeon Is Temporarily Down

I actually misspoke. He went to Panama and is planning to live out there.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

We have live streaming now and we are and have been doing A LOT in the background to replicate what major tech sites like youtube have.

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