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Games & Rants (7/22/21) Cheat Codes and Vaccine Concerns!

Published on 22 Jul 2021 / In People & Blogs

Game: Double Kick Heroes, Caligula

Tonight, the returned DP and I are going to discuss the importance of cheat codes back in our day, which is largely forgotten on today's youth. We used to love cheats, tips and codes. They used to have secret code books and no gamers shamed other gamers for buying them. Game Shark, Game Genie, Pro Action Reply and 1-900-Nintendo were also a thing as I stated. There was never an issue with gamers using cheat codes and it was often a cool thing to see. Remember the blood code in Mortal Kombat? It was a cheat. The entirety of this whole "git gud" thing is just not something we concerned ourselves with during the classic eras of gaming. It was unheard of. So DP and I do not get the fuss today.

We have also deep dived into some covid related info. I will not talk too much about that here, as most of the links shared in my discord were videos and I will provide them here:






Thanks to Winter for the info.

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