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Gay Child Molesters Caught on Tape! Hidden Cam

Published on 06 May 2021 / In News & Politics

This video is a re-upload of the tough work Ryan Sorba did to shine a light on the behavior of the common degenerate, reprobate, subversive gays. Thank you for your work Ryan Sorba, it takes bravery to go around these people to expose them. I am putting this video here just in case youtube decides to delete it, it wouldn't be good to get a glimpse of the truth about gays. It gets worse if you see the documentary "the band played on", read about "bugchasing", or see the documentary called "The Gift". These people are mentally ill and need medical and mental help, it is wrong to encourage them, its like encouraging someone who is about to jump off of a bridge. A lot of them are products of abuse. Please be warned this video and the others mentioned are hard to watch and I would warn that you need to brace yourself before watching. I hope that people who end up this way would stop hurting others and find a way to live a peaceful productive life instead of destroying society and trying to damage children. Its a scary world out there. Beware.

Video is from the obama era when they were working hard to try to help further destroy the western world by allowing gay marriage so these bizzare people can practice there sick sodomite activities in the open with no issue.


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⁣Soon the United States Supreme Court will rule on marriage. I made this video, as an informative piece for the justices.

Many do not adequately understand the issue of homosexuality.

Recently, I went undercover and asked individuals who identify as gay the following question:

"Do you believe being gay is strictly genetic?"

What I found was shocking. I learned that many attribute their own sexual orientation to molestation.

After finding out just how many gays claim they are gay because they were molested, I decided to change my script, in an attempt to try to figure out who was doing the molesting.

What I found was nothing less than horrific. I interviewed individuals at an average gay bar on an average night. I discovered that I was literally surrounded by child molesters and victims of molestation.

I also learned that old men aren't the only one's doing the molesting.

Woefully, I learned that after being molested by an older man, many children and teens will teach their friends what they learned from the molester.

As you will see in this video I learned just how many teen child molesters there are and how many children are molesting other children, in their neighborhoods and at their schools.

The content of this video is explicit, but also necessary. Parents and teachers need to be warned. Not everyone who identifies as gay is a child molester, but many who do identify as gay were molested. Many of the children and teens will go on to teach other kids their own age and younger what they learned from the molester.

Parents be on guard. If you know and child or teenager who has developed same-sex attraction, let this footage be a warning to you. It is a red flag that the child has been molested, by an adult, a teenager, or another child.

I would like to end with a plea to the Supreme Court. If you do not already know and understand what I am about to show you, then I would urge you to practice judicial restraint and uphold the will of more than fifty million American voters and millenia of human experience. America needs more time to fully understand this issue, it's causes and its consequences.

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bigintol03 4 years ago

cth96190...Amen brother!

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Zalix512 4 years ago

Or it’s how they got their jobs with the Government.

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Zalix512 4 years ago

They were turned out.

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

what is that your way of saying they were sexually abused as children?

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cth96190 4 years ago

There was a reason why Hitler sent these bastards to Auschwitz.

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

If you read about some of the degenerate behavior that was going on in the weimar republic if it wasn't hitler it would have been someone else eventually. The sad thing is that a society like this cannot survive, it will simply die slowly at best and it will make things terrible for good people in the process.

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