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Published on 17 Apr 2020 / In News & Politics

⁣one rule for them, another for us. welcome to the future if we let it happen with silent consent.

This is actually a local Hospital to me. i got people shaming me, clalling me names and trying to emotionally blackmail me about something they know nothing about.

here is what the mindless numpties are clapping for every day. For people un aware theres a cult going round where people clap and smack pots n pans the celebrate the so called live saving NHS from the harmful sonic sound of bad singers

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Mogulanon 5 years ago

I've been following the proper procedure to combat the virus yet I've still noticed gatherings like this in my area. It's a sacrifice not to stay in quarantine. I reassure myself I'm not just doing this for just men, not just my family, but for my fellow man, and women.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

These "procedures" are fraudulent. They are bacterial guildlines. how ever the purpose of this clip is one rule for us and one for them. While the entire countries in lockdown these fools whoo gaslight the entire island of "saving ;lives and risking death" while there all fecking dancing on tik tok and have concerts

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Mogulanon 5 years ago

@AmanleyLoad Sounds like hypocrisy. Though staying home and away from large crowds isn't perfect, I still will do anything to lower the chance of me catching it. I have elderly around me and want them to have a lower chance of catching it if possible. I enjoy you posting videos like this!

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@Mogulanon: I care for an elderly, the best defence is a good immune system, by staying indoors there a plephora bead health problems that come from isolation. Vitamin D for one of them.I fyou watch my toher video, you will see doctors xplain what a virus is and the "lab created" virus cannot be caught. The are convincing the world to isolate when that makes things way worse while they secretly install 5G with their essential home. I also have a close friends who are isolating themselves and its painfull watching them knowing its all bulllcrap hype. JUst try to understand that you are being controlled through fear. You dont have to torture yourself. Be your own mind, and don't take people word for granted, even mine cuz you neverknow i could be wrong. Its all about you. ask yourself if you don't like doing it, should you be doing it?

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@Mogulanon: no i can be called a hypocrite if you knew me, cuz im a hermit who practises social distancing for the last 3/4 years anyway cuz i don't trust or like most people unfortunately

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Mogulanon 5 years ago

@AmanleyLoad: I apologize by hypocrisy I mean't the people your speaking of, not you. It isn't torture for me per say. I also would consider myself a hermit. Regarding the controlling aspect, I'd rather play it safe. I'm considering getting more multi-vitamins now that you brought it up. I'd like to think I've already thought via my own mind, but since I'm not a doctor, I'm going to get information from a reputable source is all.

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