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Gen Z is Gross Apparently Being Disgusting Is The New Trend

Published on 12 May 2024 / In Entertainment

This Gen Z girl is living in a garbage dump

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Toki 10 months ago

How many low income cleaning crew clean your house Jeremy? Any migrants for cheaper labor?
Are you the type who gets offended when a neighbor doesn't religiously mow their lawn on time to appease city mandates? Who cares? Mowing costs money which means taxation. City garbage disposal charges you a monthly rental fee for a garbage can like a live service now. Yard waste bags? You need to pay a tax to buy a meaningless sticker and you can't burn your yard waste. The Gov however can nuke people. Then you wonder why people just don't care about anything.
Also people play Fallout and such. We are expecting total collapse any day now and household cleanliness will be the least of your pampered lifestyle worries. Preparing for the future and living in trash cities.
I know Jeremy. Maybe you should volunteer to clean up their living spaces if it bothers you that much.

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