Gentlemen Lend Me Your Tears
Published on 24 Sep 2022 / In
Film & Animation
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They only want 'women and children first', so women have something to distract the sharks while they get away.
... or something to eat for themselves, when rations run out.
Yep my friend, Just like the fall of Rome, glad I'm not the only one who see's that? Same goes for Babylon, the Ancient Greek's and many more since. The difference is when Rome fell the Germanic tribes moved in, then we eventually ended up with Hitler. what's worrying (If you let it), Is today the globe is involved not a country or empire. When it falls this time it will FALL hard and agonizingly SLOW as we are seeing. Naturally we that are awake to the bullshit can use that slow time to adapt round most of this crap at least for ourselves I guess?
You have to take Femon's at FACE value, and seeing as most of them ar repulsive these days to even look at that statement say's a LOT! lol! the truth is the Femon NO LONGER has any value, neither to a MAN or to Society in general. Everything a Femon touches these day's is the "MEDUSA TOUCH" not the "MIDAS TOUCH". Good movie "The Medusa touch2 with Richard Burton.
I think number three in Peru is running for a Bus Company or a Bus at least! lol! Probably because she looks like the back end of a bus, which personally I find a bit of an insult to a bus!
By the way - Can you still get beer in Brown Bottles? I actually take walks usually on a Sunday and collect all the beer and drinks cans I can find. I turn them into alcohol burners which will come in useful with this cost of living energy crisis. I also take the material from the tin and cut and roll it flat so I have lot's of sheet metal for various uses and repairs. the occasional beer bottle gets the top cut off it with a glass cutter and a candle put in it, just for emergencies, they are also useful as paint pots for small paint job's and more.
i rarely recycle back into the system that make us do all their dirty recycle work for nothing. I choose to recycle what I need and what is of value to ME!