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German Police Arrest Santa ClausAt A Christmas Market Because He Wasn't Wearing A Mask

Published on 16 Dec 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣German Police Arrest "Santa Claus" At A Christmas Market Because He Wasn't Wearing A Mask

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mrghoster 3 years ago

This is what happens when brainless fuckwit's are given a little Gynocentric matriarchal power from an ugly obese CUNT in Politic's? Here we are in the 21st century and Germany still have the stigma of WW2? Haven't these CUNT's at the top learned a thing? This statement ISN@Y aimed at the German people, let me make that clear. Fuck me if wearing a Santa Beard isn't a good enough mask WTF IS! lol! I'm exempt from wearing a mask because I DON'TWANT TO! and I don't and I've never been approached, but I do have my story lined up if asked?

Why pick on a Santa? After all doesn't Satan Claus where the Corporate color's of Coka Cola? More "OLD NICK" that "Saint Nick2 I would say? lol!

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Pathetic the rule in the UK is not a MASK, but a FACE COVERING? Obvious the German Police didn't get or didn't have the same MEMO! lol! And UK and Euro Police just cant understand why everyone hates them? I wouldn't trust a Cop if my very life depended on it? Scrooge seems to have a big following this year! lol! Bah Humbug! Some of my followers may have notice a lack of activity or should that be "Nativity" at this time of year? lol! it is because I really needed a respite from all the BULLSHIT for a while, so apologies if your comments were not answered or thumbed up recently, I had to get away from it all for my own sanity. peace

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The people ought to rise up and pelt these cunts with house bricks.
They are THAT fucking stupid, it's all they are good for.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Nicely said. My patient's has run out now, Here in the UK on Bonfire night Police in parliament square in London were having fireworks and rockets aimed directly at them, I do hope this becomes an annual trend in the UK!

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@mrghoster: Yeah I saw the video/s of that - and the police cracked the shits but the crowd outnumbered them, or increasingly did, and the cops kind of stopped running into the crowd. I can't say they had reason for complaint - they smashed their shit into the heads of the people and the people smashed their shit into the heads of the cops...

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@mrghoster: Shrapnel is an interesting subject. I taught the man everything he knew. Do you know if you set your tooling to cut a V about 80 - 90% of the way through wire ======v=====v=====v===== and then wrap it around the rapidly combusting contents of a cardboard tube, it becomes a product of injury and menace. AND if you measure the circumference of the tube, you can radially wind the notches on, in a offset pattern.. AND putting a fast burning, very fine, HOT (non moderated) nitrocellulose powder into the place where the black powder once was, sort of turns a plain old sky rocket into something more forceful. Standing up for yourself greatly upsets the people who like to throw "Flash Bang" grenades into the middle of the groups of your friends. Fair is fair though.

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@mrghoster: But then you need bigger sky works rockets with more thrust to carry a small load a modest distance. It can all be tested and calculated before hand though.

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All you have to do is take a walk and remember how many steps it takes to get from A to B.

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Average IQ of various occupational groups:

Professional and technical - 112
Managers and administrators - 104
Clerical workers, sales workers, skilled workers, craftsmen, and foremen - 101
Semi-skilled workers (operatives, service workers, including private household) - 92
Unskilled workers - 87
Police - 25
Mentally Defective women - 2.5

Type of work that can be accomplished:

Adults can harvest vegetables, repair furniture - 60
Adults can do domestic work - 50
Retarded Order Obeying Arseholes - 25
Feminist Brain Washing, Feminist Advocacy and Feminist Cuckolding - 2.5

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LoboBlanco 3 years ago

It looks like they have far too many police if they can walk around in big packs, harassing innocent people.

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The police have an IQ test in the entrance exam. If your above 80, you get rejected.

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