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Germany Must Perish! A call for the GENOCIDE of the German people!

Published on 03 Feb 2025 / In News & Politics

This is the first recording I've felt a need to put a disclaimer on. The book is very poorly written, grammar is out of place, punctuation is out of place, words are wrongly used, words are randomly hyphenated when they shouldn't be, sometime a paragraph will restart halfway through a word, and all of this adds up to make it incredibly frustrating to read. If it sounds at time like I'm getting frustrated or stumbling through sentences, I am.

The book is: Germany Must Perish! By: Theodore N. Kaufman

It is the first instance I know of the use of the phrase "final solution" to call for the complete ethnic cleansing of a people, and it's a New York Jew calling for the sterilization of the Germans. I would invite you to pay attention the names of the various "German" authors Kaufman quotes to justify his demand for genocide.

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Thanks for posting a TEXT orientated video in 1080.

Some videos NEED high definition.

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Will listen too this / watch this - as a download. Thanks.

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Played it on loop all night.... mostly done with it.... It sounds like there is a LOT of partial truths and many, many bias's and significant omissions. It's a rather good propaganda piece - written again, by a JEW. Lots and Lots of "well informed" half truths..... is still a pack of lies.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Look at the names of the "German" authors he quotes. Is Scholler a German name?

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@Curtis_Griffin_19_28_47: In terms of my expertise and experience, in regards to the question, "Is Scholler a German name?" - I really don't fucking know. I have no idea about any of these people and their histories and what were their original names and if they changed them etc. , from Goldberg to Schmitt..... At this stage of the game I am only calculating the truths from the deceptions, the half or partial truths etc... AND I am observing the fine art of a swindlers narrative. Beyond that I only have so much brain power, so much time and so many bright ideas... These people you name or he names etc., I know nothing about them.... at all. Sure I could do some research and might find out a great deal, or sufficient detail or basically almost nothing.... Perhaps you would care to enlighten me.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Many of the writings used as examples of the dangerous hateful German ideology were written by German Jews.

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@Curtis_Griffin_19_28_47: Care to draw up a list of names and publications - maybe not every thing ever published, but a good spread of them. This would be helpful to a lot of people in the sense of historical resources.

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