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Get Out NOW! Italy is about EXPLODE and millions will die! Why are they ignoring it_ Redacted

Published on 28 Aug 2024 / In Science & Technology

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Dozens of volcanoes beneath Italy are ready to explode and yet the government is NOT sounding the alarm for people to get out now. Naples could be leveled and its 3 million residents destroyed so why aren't more people sounding the alarm?

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Hmmmmmm When your entire civilisation has been on top of a HUGE HUGE HUGE fucking volcano....

It's, "Mehhh..... IF it erupts, then we will think about moving.... "

It might go POW! and leave a 50 K wide crater.....

If might just burp and fart and blow a bit...

OR it could just piss out lava here and there...

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irancontras 7 months ago

a volcano/earthquake could be also caused artificially

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@irancontras: Yeah caused by artificial lava bubbling up from an atificial earths core.

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irancontras 7 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Tesla explained it

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@irancontras: Post the link.

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irancontras 7 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: i saw it in laquintacolumna a year or two ago, it's in spanish

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@irancontras: And the link?

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irancontras 7 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: more in laquintacolumna telegram channel

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irancontras 7 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: search for volcán / terremoto there

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@irancontras: Your in luck because Espaniol is a direct root lanuguae from Yakut ----- Spanish: ----------------- El Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) informa que “desde el día 3 de diciembre se han detectado señales sísmicas en varias estaciones de La Palma correspondientes a eventos, algunos de ellos localizados, en la zona de Tijarafe, siempre entre las 11:00 y las 15:00 horas (UTC) y en los días laborables de lunes a viernes”. Añade que “el análisis de la señal sísmica y su espectrograma, reflejan una característica claramente de origen artificial, que ha sido confirmada, lo que nos ha permitido realizar la correspondiente discriminación y así poder eliminar estos eventos del catálogo sísmico”. -------------- Yakut --------------- Национальнай географическай институт (IGN) иһитиннэриитэ “ахсынньы 3 күнүнээҕи күн Ла-Пальма сиригэр-уотугар сөп түбэһэр түгэннэр араастарын сисмическэй бэлиэлэрин булбута, сорох локализованнай түгэннэргэ, Тихарафе зонатыгар, үксүн ааспыт сыл 11:00 чааһыгар диэри 15:00 чаас (UTC) y en los dias laborables de lunes a Friend”. Онуоха “сисмическэй уонна эспектрограммалаах сигнал анаалыһа, искусственнай төрүөтүн чуолкайдык көрдөрөр, бигэргэтиллибит, симмическэй каталог түгэннэрин суох оҥорорго сөп түбэһэр дискриминацияны олоххо киллэрэр көҥүллээхпит”. --------------- See it's obvious, so it's easy to read. ----------------- And using my mind powers of Jesus..... ----------------- The National Geographic Institute (IGN) reports that - since December 3 seismic signals have been detected in several stations of La Palma corresponding to events, some of them located, in the area of Tijarafe, always between 11:00 and 15:00 hours (UTC) and on working days from Monday to Friday. He adds that the analysis of the seismic signal and its spectrogram, reflect a clearly characteristic of artificial origin, which has been confirmed, which has allowed us to make the corresponding discrimination and thus be able to remove these events from the seismic catalogue. The seismic station of the IGN that has recorded - with greater amplitude this anthropogenic activity has been that of TBT (Taburiente), located in the Barranco de las Angustias, El Paso (La Palma) , concludes.

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@irancontras: Yeah - I aint saying the "fantastic ideas" about Tesla and his fan boys are are coming out with is bullshit, but lifting HUGE pieces of land up and down with giant big multi point eruptions - it's not impossible, but a) This has been going on since forever, so why should the planet stop now? AND - b) With all the power needed to do this, and all the power available to do this, it's sort of like a mosquito running into Mount Everest and expecting it to jump 20 or 30 Km...... I personally would not put much faith in "wild speculation" - that is greatly removed from basic maths and physics.....

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