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Get Rich By Firing Women - MGTOW

Published on 15 Oct 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Chris Whalen CPA

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Venn on Patreon. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to discuss what I see happening as the economy continues to digitize and we see robots and eventually AI on some level replacing jobs and making most people destitute and then eventually put on universal basic income. How you can stay ahead of this and try and get into the 5-10% of wealthy men out there that doesn't have to rely on government handouts for your existence and therefore you'll be more able to refuse mandatory medical interventions, if you know what I mean, because you'll be able to afford to not be able to work. As the coof hit the world the job losses have been mostly female and Canada's Mangina in chief Justin Skippy Trudeau calls it a she-session and wants to create a she-covery but all I smell is She it. Where was the government back in 2008 and 2009 to help men in what was referred to as the mancession? The jobs aren't coming back to the same extent after the coof and disproportionately more women than men will be fired as a result. Everything from Amazon helping to shut down retail shops in malls. To grocery and big box stores with automated checkout machines. Those are just a start and it's a race to the bottom. Companies will strip away labor as quickly as they can and it's going to cause massive pain. You may have heard about the labor shortage in the USA over the last year and you're probably saying that automation is not making that big of an impact because there are more jobs than humans willing to fill them. You of course are right. It's because of the expanded benefits program that ends in September of 2021 in America. People are being paid more in freshly dollars printed dollars from the government then they would get going out there and becoming a dishwasher or fry cook. Companies like Costco and Amazon have had to increase wages to keep their workers from taking part in what is known as the great resignation. This is a short term trend but in the long run ladies beware because a robot-thot is coming for your career. What happens when this eventually catches up with women? Well they make up the majority of voters so they will vote to confiscate wealth from shareholders. But how can they tax Jeff Bezos or you if you refuse to sell your rising shares and not have to pay your capital gains tax. Bezos can sell ten or twenty million dollars worth of shares each year to live off of and let the rest continue to grow. Better yet he can go to a bank and get a low interest loan against his shares and not have to pay tax on the money he borrows. So can you if you have enough assets. All this perfectly legal. At that point many of the newly fired and unemployed women will vote for governments that will implement a 1% net worth tax like they have in Commiefornia. If for example you put your money in tech stocks and they are growing at 15-20% a year, then paying the 1% it's like paying a management fee on a mutual fund investment. Those fees used to be up to 1.5% when I used to sell segregated and mutual funds. But even with a tax like that it won't be enough income to make up for the lost income thanks to thotamation. What happens as many people invest in Crypto and leave the country for another one that offers them citizenship where they don't have to pay tax on their crypto gains? If Bitcoin reaches mass adoption then it means that taxation could be difficult if not impossible to do. What will the whamen do as they take out 150k more money from the state in services then they pay in during their lives? I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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tekrat 3 years ago

The woman in the thumbnail...VaVaVAVoom

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

What would women do? Huh, raid Victoria's Secret and Hustlers' stores and reengage in the world's oldest occupation!! Wifery is not that.

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zdoctor 3 years ago

TOTALLY AGREE,,,,,,,,whaman will lose more jobs and start hunting men. stay single gentlemen.....steer clear and build your own life. retire early. ....lack of whaman in your life = more in the bank.

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tekrat 3 years ago

I want to be Magneto. Magneto will control all the machines.

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tekrat 3 years ago

I hope they open the pizza hut buffet soon. I miss thier salad bar. Its been closed because of scamrona but robot can open it up. pizza pizza

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