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Girl Living Off Grid Built The Most Secret Underground Tunnel Shelter

Published on 23 Jun 2022 / In Film & Animation

The Viet Cong Tunnel Network - Oooo Baby, She's got it.

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Quoshi 3 years ago

Cool video and a well deserved meal

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sauger1001 3 years ago

She did more work in one day, than many Western women do in a month.

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Yeah - pretty impressive.... good fit and muscular.... a squishy arse though.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Squeezably Soft, like Charmin.

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mgtowisfreedom2 3 years ago

Jungle Asian sure do like there tunnels. Also I would like to know how the structure hold up when you have massive rains.

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I'd say a curved ceiling would do much better, but that ground is a fairly hard dry ground, even when it's well rained upon. She has picked a high spot above the general ground area - goof for drainage and run off.... and it's under trees, which divert a lot of water away from the shelter and the ground is supported by tree roots... AND I'd say it was in Vietnam and that gets monsoonal rains, AND she looks like she is military trained and does things exactly... Like ALL of her work is straight lines, precise shapes and it's all done with a purpose and to a size. It could also be in Cambodia or Laos.... Not super sure... just a hunch.

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She also comes from an area where kerosene or oil lamps are still in common useage so she is used to a big smokey flame - so that is putting a lot of soot into the air, and while I would trim the wick or pull it back in, a heap, to both give a smaller, less mokey light that greatly reduces fuel use, she doesn't give a fuck... and goes on anyway. Also I thought the little ridges in the other wise flat land were odd, then it occurred to me that the are the walls of rice paddies... Whether they grow all year round, or let the land lie fallow, or there are dams that stop the seasonal flooding and the frewsh nutrients getting into the fields with the floods... don't know... but the fields look disused... AND the ground is fairly dry on the surface... Soooo... There are what is called fixed in time perceptions and then there is the evolution of situations, from the past to the present and then from the present into the future. For NOW that place looks really good, but since I am basically ignorant about the entire area and weather patterns, the land use and all that - all I can say is "This is what I see now - but 3 months, 6 months and a year or 5 years etc., from now - I have no idea what will happen or how the shelter will last. The Viet Cong tunnel network was very extensive and portions of it are still used in touristy / war memoribillia today..... But tunnels in the mountain areas are not the same as in flood plains... However the technical merrits of the issues are different to extensive enough first hand knowledge vs. speculation and estimation. You could always ASK HER - using Google Translate and find the original video...

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mgtowisfreedom2 3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson:: thanks for links really good points but as someone who worked in confine spaces, I would be afraid Carbon monoxide as it a colourless and odourless gas.

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@mgtowisfreedom2: It's proportional - The fire makes a slow air circulation, the space is small... and at the place warms up a bit the warm air rises, goes out the door, and the cold ir sinks - coming in the door.... and if people can live inside of these things for days and weeks, then they are not dying..... Taking an isolated issue, and making it the whole problem, is not the ideal way of looking at things.

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