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Give Women Nothing - MGTOW

Published on 22 Apr 2021 / In People & Blogs

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- Red Pill Ring
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'Stingy men' take on Nigeria's dating etiquette

Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9LJnLy6LaU

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Artur. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'm going to do is cover a topic by a woman's affairs reporter in Nigeria with a name I can't pronounce about a supposed group of MGTOWs in Nigeria called the Stingy men that are all about giving women nothing in the dating market. Let me read some of the article and I quote: "Women of Nigeria watch out - the men are in revolt. No longer will they pay for lavish dates; no longer will they provide expensive gifts; no longer will they hand over cash on demand. That is, at least, according to the country's Stingy Men Association. It is a fictional creation - a light-hearted response on social media that emerged earlier this year to some male concerns about the cost of dating. "It's tough being a man in Nigeria, there is too much pressure on us," 35-year-old Lagos-based journalist Fred Itua told the BBC. "Everyone expects so much from you. Men should not be seen as spending machines, we also want to be pampered." Another man echoed this, saying on Facebook that he felt he did not get the recognition he deserved for the cash he had spent on dates: "Most generous guys are seen as objects to be manipulated, used and disrespected for their generosity." The buzz the Stingy Men Association generated on social media gave way to an app, which allowed those that downloaded it to design their own ID cards. It got more than 50,000 downloads within days. "Members" were also expected to swear an oath to give "shishi" (Nigerian slang for "nothing") to women. But some women were skeptical that men could stick to their guns - a view summarized in a tweet showing a photo of actress in a mini-dress accompanied by the words: "I dressed like this to his house and he denounced his membership of the Stingy Men Association." unquote What's hilarious about this is that it red pills men but it does it while appearing to be a joke. If I had known that this I would have started making my content as a joke and making it border on satire while spewing out red pills. It would have gotten tons of media coverage and the feminists wouldn't really be attacking MGTOW content like that because they would assume that there's no way that men would just go their own way from women. How proposterous. Anyways, before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the stingy man association mgtow video. I love the way that they presented factual information about female nature as a joke. That women want you to pay for their dates. If only men in the west had done that in the beginning in the manosphere women would probably be spreading our red pill ideas for us believing that it wasn't true that there were men out there walking away from them. That we weren't being serious at all. Kind of like the No Maam group found in married with children. It was allowed on television because you don't know if it's real or not. But the comedy is great because you have the no maam organization making fun of women but the way they are doing it also makes fun of themselves too. Normally if guys present serious arguements about going their own way then the article is a feminist lecture about the evils of the patriarchy. But because this is in Nigeria they have done something brilliant. Nigerians have a notorious reputation for their scams. I think that the creators of the Stingy Man Association are scamming the women of that country and the women are falling for it by promoting their ideas for them. The fact that fifty thousand men out there were compelled enough to download and print out a stingy man association card shows you how men feel about the dating market. Imagine fifteen years ago men going their own way was presented to the public in a different way. As a bunch of men swearing off dating and all contact from women.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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VulcanCannon 4 years ago

Your exactly correct Sandman

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havok545 4 years ago

so is that why that Nigerian prince keeps e-mailing me to start the stingy man association? If I knew that I would've have sent him the money!!!!

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

just as Lion of MGTOW says: GIVE THEM NOTHING!

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