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God Fuck - Near the End - "Fucking around near Trains - Just Don't".

Published on 04 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation

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WMHarrison94 1 day ago

What's with the obsession with trains snd dumbasses? Just Natural Selection and Murphy's Law in motion?

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I got into a discussion with someone - probably you, about people getting under trains and one video in particular was a young guy who was laying between the rails, and lifting his head up to talk to his idiot friend who kept on an animated and unhelpful discussion with him... --- "No just lay low and I will sit back and wait till it all passes..... " - the main reason for the hysteria is that I used to repair / make parts for and service locomotives and rolling stock - and they center punch trucks at level crossings and some old bloke would be out there with a bean tin and some paint and a paint brush -- touching up the scrape marks.... while the truck is smashed to bits... Well anyway the video of that IDIOT kid and his IDIOT friend has disappeared and so I went looking for it and came across more horrors - but what I was trying to point out - that if your laying on the sleepers and in alignment with the tracks to minimise being hit by anything under the train - your probably going to be just fine.... BUT I have also seen brake components come loose and drag underneath the train - the very same components I had been remanufacturing - and just because there is usually enough clearance under the train for people laying flat, doesn't mean there are no fucking nasty low hanging components that are going to rip right through you, and once caught, your going to be mashed and smashed and chopped into pieces - there is not a lot of room to spare and it's all heavy steel stuff and there are the wheels and all, a couple of feet either side of you.... It's a BAD place to be in, if things go wrong. So the current epidemic of rail road horrors and just how dumb people can be and what trains are capable of, Ugghhhhhhhhhhh........

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I like everything - and trains and buildings and brickwork and history and designing - they are fantastic....

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Also if you look at the starter image for the video - the guys head is between the brake mechanism and the wheel - but have a look at how BIG the wheels are, how thick the axles and their bearings are, and how big the bogie is with it's three axles, wheels and giant electric motors... - when you dismantle a locomotive for servicing - depending - full service or partial service - they pull out the motor, the generator, and lift the locomotive off it's wheels sets, and it's all frighteningly huge stuff.... That guy stuck in the wheels and brake mechanisms - those ARE big parts and the image shows only two of the three axles.... Make the opportunity to go see a locomotive manufacturing and or refurbishment place - they are something fucking else.... Even a historical society with it's big old steam locos - is really incredible....

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WMHarrison94 16 hours ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yeah, I don't think it was me with conversation. I used to walk along railroad tracks a lot as a kid: Either it is extremely dangerous or these idiots are just plain stupid not paying attention or understanding how dangerous it is.

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WMHarrison94 1 day ago

Sorry... outside the West, she's a goner...

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