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God Pill Wisdom: Validation VS. Recognition

Published on 21 Jul 2020 / In Film & Animation

⁣An examination of the nature of man in regard to recognition in contrast to validation from the opposite sex and more broadly as well.




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MadrigalTV 5 years ago

An interesting argument. I would agree with you up to a point; Christianity can teach humility and offer a goal to work towards. Personally, I feel that Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy offers a more masculine, positive, pioneering way of life than the submissive, feminised, emasculated slave/herd instinct encouraged by adherence to any God or gods. There isn't time to go into detail over such complex issues here, but my argument is that Christianity of any denomination may offer a temporary crutch, but it is not a permanent solution to the existentialist problem of existence.

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TheGodPill 5 years ago

I find Nietzche's work as pleasurable as anyone I'm familiar with it and many of Ayn Rand's works currently reading Aristotle and Marcus Aurelius. I have to fundamentally disagree with you about Christianity being slave morality a denomination can interpret or cherry pick scripture to frame Christianity to support any of the three points of the political trichotomy but taken as a whole it's very clear that it's not slave morality and not Marxist on the triangle as slave morality is based on resentment and Christianity always discourages resentment so much it discourages people giving if it's begrudgingly from social pressure etc, the bible also denies any sort of equality constantly. Biblically consistent Christianity doesn't fit the framework of either master or slave morality but there certainly have been many churches and eras that as stated warp it to that end.

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TheGodPill 5 years ago

Also on the political trichotomy God values freedom highest on the trichotomy he values stability (hierarchy, order, peace etc) very highly and doesn't care at all about equality just fairness and love willing the good of others and manifesting it looking out for his fellow intelligent creatures essentially a non corrupted form of the care and fairness moral foundations that doesn't dwarf the other ones. God values freedom above all because creating other beings reduced equality only God existing is a state of perfect equality lesser beings introduced inequality, giving his intelligent creation free will indicates he values freedom over stability as free will can be exercised in ways contrary to his wishes and enables the existence of conflict. God's values are in that optimal Darwinian zone that balances freedom and absolutism while denying any form of equality between beings save fair standards of justice and such.

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