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God Punished Man With Women LOL - MGTOW

Published on 27 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from the Shoveler and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I've been looking at the Biblical story of Samson. There is a lot of symbolism in the story. His story seems to be similar to the path of MGTOW in some ways. I just thought this might be an interesting story to compare with MGTOW." Well Shoveler thanks for the donation and topic. This topic is far more indept than my usual material so I'm sure I'll make some misinterpretations of the story of Samson and Delialah from the bible. Anyone that thinks they have something I missed or got wrong please put your thoughts in the description. Before I get to the video let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the show. In the Bible Samson was the last of the judges of ancient Israel. Also one of the last leaders who judged Israel before the introduction of their monarchy. He is sometimes seen as the Israelite version of folk heroes like Enkidu from Sumeria and Hercules in ancient Greece. One example is of him defeating a lion bare handed or killing an entire army. But if he got a haircut his powers from god would be gone. He was betrayed by a woman, his lover Delialah when she ordered a servant to cut his hair while he was asleep. He also had his eyes gouged out gruesomely and was put to work by his enemies the Philistines to go around in circles in their mill in Gaza. His hair started growing back and he prayed to god to give him his strength back which he got and then tore the support columns out from below the building and the whole thing came down killing the Philistines. But I want to focus on Delilah specifically. The story is a joke because she is portrayed as not having any agency even though she was clearly the one that betrayed him. It's as if god punished Sampson and Delilah was just being used by god so it's not her fault. That's what I hear when I read this story. In the story of Christ Judas of course is responsible for selling him out for a small bag of silver. But Delilah was offered 1100 coins to rat of Samson. Judas was said to have only received 30 silver coins. I guess that when you're Delilah and you're living it up in a hot tub in a temple with your Samson soul mate you require a bigger bribe? In the end the moral of the story is don't commit sins or god will punish you. But at least in the end God offered Sampson redemption and restored his powers for one last battle royale. But he still dies as if it's a Shakespearean tragedy. I don't agree with you Shoveler that this is a MGTOW story. I think it's more of a warning for mostly blue pill men out there that you can't trust the woman that you love not to betray you while you're asleep. Samson should have left her before that happened and the real moral of the story should have been that he had gone his own way and survived. If only the bible were a choose your own adventure book then we could get more into the mind of god. But I don't think people were smart enough to be good non-linear story tellers thousands of years ago. The other moral of the story should be that for men love is pleasure and for women when men love them it represents power.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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MAC88 4 years ago

You should look up the story of Lilith. It’s the true story of Adam and Eve. Well the complete version. Religion is so pointless why do people need to believe in stupid stories as reality. Read history. Everyone needs something to believe in. Countless religions and cults.

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Duugus 4 years ago

Sandman, Adam was with Eve when she took of the fruit. It was a logic of love contest. Does Adam love his wife? If no, then how can he love GOD. If yes, then he proves the truth of love, that it is logical. Love bites.

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hqwebsite 4 years ago

Samson was not Chad in Delilah eyes. 'Simpson' is just for attention, money & time.

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