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Good Old Times Pastor Steven Anderson on Sodomites

Published on 31 Jul 2021 / In Non-profits & Activism

The two sides of a story are rarely told in an unbiased way. The information presented to people looking only at the surface level will always be that which is in line with the prevailing politically correct beliefs of the current day. Here pastor anderson provides some insight into some of the unflattering historical factors of the homosexual sodomites and there endless war against righteous society and how they hijacked the civil rights movement. The western world has been kind and accepting of thier kind and in turn they have paid us back by pushing the envelope further and further to the point that now there is a show about a child who turned to a transgender, children are strip dancing for adults, people are making comments about making porn for children on twitter and the comment is not removed, and certain states in the US are now making it legal to give someone else HIV without reprocussions. Consider the implications of conitinued mercy to their perpetual sin, there are ways to peacefully resolve this and provide homos with mercy but individuals must first accept that we must hate this sin and encourge homos to turn away from there sin instead of accepting it with open arms.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

We're about to enter Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0. Instead of sulphur raining down Heaven, we'll get a whole asteroid. People will laugh until they see it coming, with NOWHERE to run, NOWHERE to hide. Hopefully, I'll already be in a place of safety, or in the grave.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

The good 'old days! lol

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Hagbard138 3 years ago

One of the most red pilling events for me besides discovering MGTOW, was realizing that I was wrong about being a Libertarian and an advocate for the "Free Market". Check out this video from E. Michael Jones, he describes how free market capitalism and homosexuality go together.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

@Hagbard138: I watched it dude, that was AWESOME! I'm now a E Michael Jones fan!

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Hagbard138 3 years ago

@bigintol03: Jones is excellent on a host of issues, especially the JQ. The biggest problem with Jones, is he believes Catholicism is the answer for all problems. He's big into "Whiteness as a Social Construct"--but he does so for the "wrong" reasons according to the Left. He believes that White Ethnic Identity , but not White Racial Identity. This stems for his belief that Catholic Ethnics were ethnically cleansed due to the Jews and the WASP Elite wishing to destroy Catholic Political Power and cohesion.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

@Hagbard138: I'd go along with that, I was raised Catholic and Catholicism ain't what it used to be! I've heard rumors that the church is infested with Jews!

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Hagbard138 3 years ago

@bigintol03: True, there is no doubt that Jews played a role in subversion of the Catholic Church. Vatican II was a disaster, the bigger culprit is the CIA. They needed the church to fight communism, but to also control it. I like EMJ, and he red pilled me on a lot of things. Jay Dyer is someone you might like as well.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

@Hagbard138: I'll check him out!

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Hagbard138: I have this exact video on my channel! great video!

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Hagbard138 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I used to be a libertarian, it was EMJ that made me think twice about that. This is arguably one of the best clips that shows the reality of GloboHomo.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Hagbard138: I am also a fading libertarian. It is just too utopian for this world unfortunately. It sounds great, but I don't think it can work in this world. Remember there is the disciple of murray rothbard, Hans-herman hoppe out of university of nevada, las vegas who wrote the book, democracy the god that failed, where he actually has show with amazing premonition the failure of democracy. I am now lost about what would be best, but I can only think of a constitutionally limited monarch may be better than the government we have to day. The government is now a parasite on the country at this point. we are on a bad trajectory.

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Hagbard138 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Back in 2011, I started noticing something about the broader libertarian movement. It wasn't that they were "agnostic" on social issues, but they were the mirror image of those on the left. One big red flag, was when Nick "Fonzie" Gillespie from Reason Magazine was praising Allen Ginsberg (who was a member of NAMBLA). Starting in 2015, you started hearing about the libertarian-Alt. Right Pipeline. Most of those early Alt.-Right guys were influenced by Hoppe. TFM said it best--no matter what you are politically on "The Right" you aren't serious unless you take women's rights away.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Hagbard138: you are on the pulse, I know exactly what you mean man. Reason magazine really went off the rails, That nick dude was in a lot of videos. And they strangely started becoming libtards. Allen ginsberg was a true degenerate. Reason also had a video on youtube where they were saying hayek was a socialist due to him advocating to set a minimum standard of basic income for the unfortunate, and during this period of time they started to advocate for all these strange liberal type things. These dudes at reason have lost the plot. I can tell you know of hoppe, it is good to hear from someone who is knowledgeable about the area, best

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Hagbard138 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I used to read Liberty Magazine, which had a bit of a Paleo-Conservative influence. Reason was the more "respectable" belt-way sort of libertarian publication. Remember Jeffrey Tucker? God, the guy is gayer than a three dollar bill. I'm sure you've noticed this, but the broader libertarian movement is dying. They just can't sell their brand of bullshit anymore. I am of the opinion that when Ron Paul ran for President in 2008 as a small "L" libertarian in the GOP, it brought more women into the broader libertarian movement. With women, comes acceptance of dildo and poz.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Hagbard138: man i cannot agree more with what you are saying. its almost as if the libertarian party got infiltrated and subverted. I have a lot of respect for ron and rand paul, but it seems when a group of people organize in a large group, overtime the group they make drifts to the left. Its like an organization needs to be kept small and not gain too much power or it becomes corrupt unfortunately. I do remember jeffrey tucker, he is still around i think. also remember gary johnson? haha i almost voted for him. He is another "leftist libertarian". You are right that the party is dying, but also this should be expected at this point, the political landscape is now bizzare because the conservative party is actually dying to an extent as well. I think the libertarian party tried to go left to market themselves to a broader audience, and now the GOP is doing the same instead of holding to principles. Its a sad state of affairs.

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Hagbard138 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Conservatives have conserved nothing. The one principle they have held to is "Blessing" Israel, the Evangicucks love this. Keeping in mind, Jews be they secular/religious have utter contempt for Evangicucks. Something else I remembered, it happened sometime in the early 00s. There was a bizarre story about these men who were involved in Thelma (Aleister Crowely's occult system) , the LP of California, and NAMBLA. I can't recall all the details, but they were arrested on child sexual abuse. The LP was really big into "Youth Empowerment" and wanted to eliminate age of consent laws. This is a long read--but well worth your time. It' s about Father Robert Sirico (the real life brother of the actor who played Paulie Walnuts on The Sopranos). He attempted to create a Catholic free market think tank. It's really bizarre--and it's by E. Michael Jones.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Hagbard138: I have opened a tab and I will read it. Who'd have known that paulie from sopranos had a priest brother! That is a really creepy story. It seems strange to me that these guys that organize are always turning into weirdos. I mean crowely was a homo too so i guess it goes hand in hand especially when you throw california into the mix. At least you indicate they got caught, its just so weird. I dont know if its possible to fix this screwed up country at this point man.

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Hagbard138 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I can remember discovering Crowley when I was a teenager. He was the ultimate symbol of rebellion, as I got older I realized something. Crowley had all kinds of connections to British Intelligence. Are you at all familiar with the CIA connections to Laurel Canyon? That's another deep rabbit hole

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Hagbard138: I have heard that crowley had some interactions with British spooks in his life, but honestly, overall, I just think he was a lunatic homosexual who was just doing a bunch of weird things and acting out. The sum of his life in my view just amounted to evil and I think people really embellish what he was and build him up to be some type role model satanist type when he was just a selfish person with major character flaws acting out his degeneracy in bizarre ways. I have heard a little about laurel canyon but I don't know much except there are people of the belief that the CIA were the ones that started the hippie type counterculture movement, which is entirely possible. I have grown to dislike the letter agencies, I used to think there actions and views were out to help the United States and do positive things but I know enough now to see that these guys just seem to do evil things. Crowley at the end of the day made a negative impact on the world and somehow in a twisted way has brought up a spawn of even more evil degenerates to cause even more trouble such as l ron hubbard and a bunch more. The world would have been a better place without him

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