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Published on 12 Nov 2024 / In Comedy

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GenerationLESS 4 months ago

Okay, but I'm holding his feet to the fire on this and any other campaign promises. I need proof he's not a Trojan Horse. To all the haters of this comment, I really want him to do what he has said. That will be excellent. But surrounding himself with people like Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and other Israel first crowd gives me an uneasy feeling.

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KEEPER 4 months ago

i'm not a hater, i'm like you i want his promises to be upheld, i can't say i fully understand the whole jew thing because i just don't know, i have seen some evil jews and some not evil jews, so i have no clue where to stand on this, i mean even Amr explains he's a jew, and i look at him as middle of the road he's not bad and he's not evil either, he's just a dude with opinions like the rest of us, and sometimes we are wrong, and so is he, hell i have been wrong on some stuff, because we can only predict based on the information we currently have on hand, and sometimes shit changes or we find out new information that changes our opinion on shit, so this is why i can't really say either way, i hope for the best but prepare for the worst., i think that's all we can do.

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GenerationLESS 4 months ago

@KEEPER: It's the Sabatien Zionists that run Israel that are the problem. They hide behind the shield of Judiaism, (the Red Shield-Rothschild) but willingly use and allow Jewish people to be killed as matyrs. A great deal of the people in Israel don't agree with the actions of the government, but that will never make the mainstream news, or mainstream alternative news like Rogan, Peterson, Motherfucker Tucker, etc. The same Zionists run our government from the shadows, in appointed positions. I have no problem with Jewish people that are human beings, but the crew that run the evil cabal screaming anti-semite at anyone that calls them out, are not human.

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