Goofy Women In Vegas Talk Female Privilege
Published on 24 Jul 2021 / In
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9:14 Listen to her spill accidental truth, self centered mindset, and admitting to what mgtow already know, and have known for years... Women do not " W A N T " nice guys, they want what nice guys will do " FOR " them.
Remember this from her own mouth... She never wanted YOU, only what she can get from you.
She was NEVER attracted to you, but to what you HAVE, and what she can gain access to, through you.
You as a person mean nothing to her. You are interchangeable with any man that has the resources she "NEEDS."
These women have never raised a child they keep saying *some woman/women* so sick of passing the buck. the you go girl mentality but they could never stand it. Reminds me of a woman i knew who dated a man for years and finally she and him drove visited her sister who had a new child. He did not want to be around kids a light went off her her brain and she was an engineer for a big electrical company. Women trap men who never wanted or wanted kids. See a lot of it where a woman will spread their legs for a bum and then later on look for that guy to fill the childs life that void. I mean as a few mgtow channels on here and tom leykis once said want kids do it at the end of your career then you can afford but that can go bad. I was a scout master of 34 kids back in the 90s and really the only 2 adults were ret military and never could go on the camp outs hiking ect just too old to do it anymore and the parents it was as if it was a drop off every week and i had seen it then the downgrading of what later were going to become men. Hand held gaming systems game genie ect i had an argument with a mother one time do not allow him to come on camp outs with that stuff she did not understand that was not the message i wanted to get across for the kids want to do that do it at home. Learn something to take to your life later on.
fuck that cunt, vasectomy is banned where I live.
Fefails are harder to train than males. Every Lassie in the movies and T.V. show was a Male ask animal trainers fefail of any species is often too dumb to learn.