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Google Tells Users To Eat Rocks, Put Glue On Pizza & More!

Published on 27 May 2024 / In Entertainment

Google AI has been a total failure

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Toki 7 months ago

Please just let the Darwin Awards commence.
Again though talking about food and glue on pizza? Bro you're not healthy either due to Gluttony and Sloth. Unemployed with children's toys behind you. Permanent streamer lockdown with your collection of daycare children's toys. If you had anime waifu merch that would be better, but Ghostbusters? Why a Bud Light faggot action figure? I get it. It's a joke haha. Get a waifu figure and let us appreciate wholesome beauty in the background. Replace Kirby with Samus zero suit bikini poster. Now you have a mancave instead of a child's playcenter.

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