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Google Wants To Destroy The Internet...

Published on 13 Aug 2023 / In Film & Animation

Hello guys and gals, it's me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at "Web Environment Integrity", a new mechanism to prove trust on the Internet. While this has good applications in theory it proves far to restrictive to adopt on the Internet as a whole and here's why. Thanks for watching!
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He maybe giving some good advice however I have heard over on RAGING GOLDEN EAGLES YT channel that this GUY Mutahar sold out and became a TRADCUCK SIMP what a shame.

Guess all that Gay Fuel I mean G Fuel no wait Gay Fuel it is haha all went to his head the tiny micro head

RGE said it respectfully he doesn't care what this guy thinks whereas in the YT comments the Real and know his true colors went in and gave their reasons why this guy is a joke and don't bother listening to him and once you sell out it's difficult to buy your honor and integrity back.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

yeah, but i don't think he was ever mgtow to begin with. i mean just because their not mgtow doesn't mean the things they talk about have any less value.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

he could know potentially improtant information on something else not related that you could find some value in.

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sbseed 1 year ago

i agree this is a massive problem with the internet as things currently stand... not much freedom.

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sbseed 1 year ago

there are non-chrome based web browsers, sadly those never took off or support for them has stopped like gab/dissenter browser and apex (i think, it was an aside and obscure browser that was closer to tor but more locked tight like brave used to be)... all of it is a pain in the ass but i would rather have a decent freespeech uncensored browser (as is currently possible) than ALL of the mainstream shit browsers even firefox and opera are complete shit these days, does not matter which version of firefox you have none of them are any good anymore...

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KEEPER 1 year ago

why is firefox bad in your opinion?

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KEEPER 1 year ago

i was using brave exclusivly for the last 5 or so years now, but i found out that because of googles greedy nature they were planning on making apps like brave not work through chrome which is what brave uses, so at the time people kept talking about firefox, because firefox has these same adblocking functions that you activate through extensions, but it sounds like google are planning on going the DRM route, so now it seems like the trick of changing browsers isn't going to work anymore, they are going to be just like reddit for fuck sake. i hate apps in general, and having a browser was always a better choice because it allowed you to go to any site without a stupid app and if it had adblocking tech built in all the better in my eyes because i was protected from malicious attacks via google ads and it blocked other nasty things on sites that provided security in a form when using the browser, but now every damn site wants to do it this stupid DRM way and it's already annoying as is with apps hardcoded to your phone that you can not delete, you are forced to use these apps because they disabled the website from being reached through a browser which is superior in most cases, i mean most of the time when i see an app that i have to get downloaded on my phone i get annoyed because i would rather use a browser, it's less storage used on your device and it's less hassle, but now they want do destroy that relationship for this DRM shit so you now have to download all the freaking apps in the world in order to continue using these sites, this is like taking 2 steps back when it comes to advancement in technology, i like the simplicity of only using a browser for every website, it's so much more simple to use.

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sbseed 1 year ago

@KEEPER: it is censoring under the direction of google/facebook, they decided a while ago to use google api integration going forward or at least their coding, it is compromised and the browser itself will censor and prevent you from accessing specific sites.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@sbseed: ok, i didn't know this, i do remember the controversy with duckduckgo though, because the guy who created that engine is a leftist cuntbag, and that's when i stopped using their app or search engine.

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sbseed 1 year ago

@KEEPER: yea, brave is doing good so far and with a couple of addons you are good to go for the time being, no idea if they will develop independent to google chrome from now on or not though... the smart thing would be to continue to develop independent since it is now its own branch, what really sucks donkey is that gab stopped development on dissenter browser which was the best and still would be.

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sbseed 1 year ago

@KEEPER: yandex is independent but they still go along with too much censorship and other bullshit... the yandex search is not really reliable as much anymore sadly since they decided to use google analytics now as well and censor a ton of stuff, brave search is ok but censors way to much and they completely shutdown their image search.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@sbseed: still works for me. https://search.brave.com/image....s?q=blue%20sky&s

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KEEPER 1 year ago

is it just some things still work for brave search when dealing with images?

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KEEPER 1 year ago

i still mostly use brave, but just incase brave stops working i have firefox in case something goes wrong for brave.

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sbseed 1 year ago

@KEEPER: no, brave search works, but it is censored in its results some of the regular search results will be omitted just like google does just not as bad, and they completely dropped the brave image search... it uses either google or bing now (which is essentially the same thing) for any image search, it used to combine and bypass the at least to some extent the censorship and limited image search not much but enough, now brave does not even do that.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@sbseed: i noticed that issue on my phone when doing brave searches through the image search thing, but on the PC browser version this doesn't seem the case, so it just might be for the android version or something, but idk, i'm no expert in these things.

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sbseed 1 year ago

the worst part is, is that almost ALL search engines use google in some form making them just as censoship based as google... so even duckduckgo censors all of your searches no matter what form of duckduckgo you are using including the supposed 'deepweb' search which really is not a deepweb search or database for the deepweb... so far only TOR and its engines are sort of uncensored, but not entirely specially not these days. so even then there is little true freespeech but more so that clearnet just made more difficult because the deepweb databases are not reliable sadly and neither are any of those sites...

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sbseed 1 year ago

and google or other globalist corporations wanting to destroy the internet and any form of freespeech is nothing new.... and it is not a surprise to anyone who is paying attention.

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Almost every site now has a "Sign in With Google" pop up on it - and if you use add blocking on the pop up - it blocks the GMAIL and other apps from opening..... Uhhhh common code shared between them. Cunts.

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sbseed 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: yea i stay away from those, it is usually with googagging and/or flakebutt

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