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Gorgeous Women Love Men Who Can Cheat Like This!

Published on 10 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation
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ArgonRaysabre 6 days ago

These women act like putting on makeup and using deodorant is some great spectacle to be praised.

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WMHarrison94 6 days ago

It's not that great or new. You know Marge from the Simpsons, Homer's wife? Ancient Egyptian women wore that "hair stule" with a kind of perfumed wax so they could as they fucked all night long in their orgies "smell" nice as the perfumed wax melted coating them... just ssying, an old THOT trick, though not hard work.

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ArgonRaysabre 6 days ago

@WMHarrison94: Lol, you learn something new everyday.

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Listening to the never ending shit....


These women are just pains in the fucking arse.

Walk away.

Silence is golden.

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sauger1001 7 days ago

12:50. Looks like Granola cereal from Kroger.
Nice ending with the chick who either ran out of head meds, or found out Chadrone ghosted her. In which case she'll probably need to grab some head meds. Lol!

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GenerationLESS 7 days ago

When we get the SHTF "power goes out" supply chain fail scene, and all the people who ARE on head meds run out of them and start coming off cold turkey, that will be the time to grab the popcorn!

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WMHarrison94 6 days ago

@GenerationLESS: Yeah, then you'll really see why Democrats are "the zombies."

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sauger1001 7 days ago

2:19. Yeah! Shout out to ('I don't gaf what you think, b!tch'!) "Rev. X". Lol!

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GenerationLESS 7 days ago

8 to 9. Like the hair.

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