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Published on 04 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

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KEEPER 2 years ago  

they are making up laws where non exist.
it's a fear tactic to get you to comply to fold to their demands.

and if they do go for an arrest, they will be promptly charged with violating his civil rights which will lead to them being fired from their jobs and sued, the governing office can also be sued for being complicit with these actions as well.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

i have seen this guy do this so many times now, i know what will happen because he's done exactly this a bunch of times. it's like they are all asking for it to happen or something.

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@KEEPER: It's a good thing that he is standing up to these petty terds and their bullshit.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: agreed! to many people just fold to the demands because they don't have the proper knowledge base to challenge the authorities in these situations. when i worked in security, the first thing they taught us is to learn the constitution and that we could be changed if we end up breaking any of the laws held in the constitution, honestly all i did at the time is observe and report, that was all i was able to do, unless when it came to defense, self defense was ok, but you had to make damn sure not to look like the aggressor, which means i had to look like a pussy if anyone challenged me, because it could turn into a situation where someone is recording the situation and only get the part when i defend myself instead of who started the fight, so i have to actively try to keep away from an attack even while being attacked, kind of a stupid situation to be honest, it felt like there was nothing i could do to defend myself, but that was a while ago, before everything became supercharged politically, i wouldn't want to be a guard or a police officer now, fuck that shit.

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@KEEPER: I watched a lot of that Antifa / BLM rotating door at the DA's offces around the US and A, like a catch and release program.... When really the corrupt along with the antifuck and the blms, should have been machine gunned down in the streets....

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@KEEPER: And the corrupt politicians, DA's and cops - all hung by the thousands outside the halls of justice.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I would fucking love that, and honestly I think it's leading to that point, maybe Tim pool is right when a Civil War starts, the first people to go are going to be the politicians and the people who supported the politicians, I imagine it'll be very much like the French Revolution and there'll be lots and lots of death and they will deserve it, sounds like hockey mask time right.

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sbseed 2 years ago

terrorist thugs with badges...

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sbseed 2 years ago

this washington state? because it looks like/sounds like olympia shithole....

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sbseed 2 years ago

ah, i see virginia...

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Expect more "rebellious" gestures as the state, local and federal governments try to clamp down on our rights. FJB's days may be numbered, but someone worse than him will eventually take his place. Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom or even "Big Mike"? Only time will tell.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

i hate to agree with you, but your not wrong on this, i have no idea what kind of president Kamala will be, but i'm sure the media will say she's the first women POTUS or whatever like that fucking matters lol, she will probably reign as the republic and everything all around collapses like that other women ruler who only lasted a short while before her ruling went down in history to be one of the worst, but yeah i fully expect them to run this country into the ground like they have been doing for a while now.

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