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Published on 31 Jan 2021 / In How-to & Style

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

If you are 18 (1940) when the war started you would be 99, always check age out for scum boomers claiming stolen honor!!

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Doggk 4 years ago

Well it's possible.. I've met many people in my life who lived during the 40s and they were between 90 - 110 years old when I met them.. And now unfortunately most of these people of that time died ! I met people who were 100 years old and everything was alright in their heads.. They told me where the germans had their base in some cities, the horrors they did, how the fled when the allies came, how life was when the British soldiers and american soldiers came to liberate some areas.. So many details about those areas.. Many many things.. Some places where horrible things happened during the war are places today where people just walk without knowing what happened decades ago.. I heard a story of 2 airborn canadian soldiers who jumped out of a plane.. And the germans saw them from their base and shot them.. 1 died immediately.. his parachute had like 2 - 3 small holes.. And the parachute got caught in a building leaving the dead body hang there... The other had his parachute completely damaged and died falling on the ground.. The germans left the bodies where they were as example for the local citizens.. And some citizens took their tissue to take some blood of the dead soldier on the ground.. Today the place where it happened is a place with shops, Mc donalds etc.. People forgot what happened.. Or many never knew.. So when I tell them these stories they are amazed.. They never could imagine that those things happened where they now buy their clothes and eat their burgers.. And yup sometimes people of that age lied about what they did in those times especially so called veterans or collaborators..

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Doggk: war..ppl die.. . Shit happen..i can tell sob stories about dresden bombing holocaust.. in the end 2nd world war was just revenge from the germans because the yanks for no reason, decided to choose the side of the allies and assrape germany during the veraille treaty. Not to mention the backstabbing of Karl Liebknecht and Roza luxembourg who tried to turn Germany into a marxist shithole and do the same to the Germans as Stalin did ti to Russia or Ukraine...

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Doggk 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: Prabably the germans from the Wehrmacht (Regular german army).. They hated the SS.. And they joined the allies for a good reason.. Many of the Werhmacht soldiers weren't agree with Hitler and the SS that's why they joined the allies.. They wanted to get rid of those fanatic scumbags (The SS) who did nothing else than commit serious war crimes wherever they went.. There's so much stories about Werhmacht soldiers saving jews and many people during the occupation of Europe.. But no one talks about it !

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Doggk: the army did try to assasinate hitler...i dont stand behind the atrocities. But i do stand 100% behind the Germans winning the war

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Doggk 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: So you're not as Luciferian as I thought ^^

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LongRedRoad 4 years ago

I need more than just one thumb up for this lady!

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LongRedRoad 4 years ago

If history has taught us anything, it’s that humans are either incapable or unwilling to learn from it.
it must be what, 1984 in the west?

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Doggk 4 years ago

It's exactly the case ! And we are living currently 1984.. And most of the people don't realize it, it's just sad..

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Sir_666 4 years ago

" Those who Cannot or Refuse to Remember the Past are Condemned to Repeat it. "

The best takeovers are done in a Tip-toe fashion. This is better known as Tip-toe Totalitarianism. The Nazi takeover was executed in such Tip-toe fashion before it was Truly seen for its Insidious nature & Agenda.

And If not careful, this CV-19 ScamPlandemic could be the very Tip-toe tactic to introduce Totalitarianism into many Countries around the World.

Nonetheless, thx 4 sharing the video Doggk. Albeit it's a Video from a few years ago, the message & Warning are still Noteworthy and Relevant.

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Sir_666 4 years ago

Update : Kitty Werthmann was reportedly Murdered in her Paris home in 2018. I guess someone or some people didn't like her story and/or agree with her views in a most Extreme sick way. A sad and unfortunate end for a person that Survived through so much.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

My Mantra is "Eye's open, Mouth shut"

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