Green Grass - And Dealing with the Retarded Cunts in 12th Step Fellowships
13 المشاهدات
نشرت في 28 Mar 2025 / في
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What Do the Letters Stand for in Fertilizers?
If you look closely at labels for the best fertilizers, you will find three letters: N-P-K. These letters denote the N represents the Nitrogen in the mix, P stands for Phosphorus or Phosphate, and K stands for Potassium or Potash. These are the primary nutrients that plants need.
In order to determine the most optimal combination, you typically need to do a soil test. This will show you what you’re lacking, and you buy the right fertilizer to compensate for it. For more info on how to do a soil test, check out this video below.
Your recommended NPK ratio also depends on your grass type. For example, in Bermuda grass fertilizers, the most common formula is a 4-1-2. Many nation-wide brands are now omitting phosphorous, as there is some debate about it’s environmental safety. Phosphorus is more crucial with developing the root system. Nitrogen is what makes your grass greener. Potassium aids in overall lawn health.
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Shane, when are you going to get that pursuit special that you know you want ? your videos would look a lot better from inside a car that reminds us of the apocalypse that is coming .