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Greg Lake - I Believe In Father Christmas (Official 4K Video)

Published on 30 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation

Back in the day this "Christmas" song was a big hit in the UK, when it is ACTUALLY an ANTI CHRISTMAS song that tells us we were being lied to and cheated with MYTH.Did you know that "SANTA" is an anagram of "SATAN"? still a great song and tune thou8gh. Oh! and yes I had my hair like that as well, still do when I'm feeling lazy! lol!

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bigintol03 1 year ago

Cool song, thanks for posting brother!

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Thanks 4 uploading and sharing never heard of this song before. Before my time however I did know that SANTA was SATAN and 25th December is Satanic/Saturnalia Pagan Worship funny how so many Dumb Christians believe in Father Christmas and don't known the truth all because they want to celebrate end of the year and not do any kind of work and "Keep their spirits boosted or uplifted" what a fucking Joke."

Jesus was not born in December the month of the Devil no wonder it begins with "D" aka Lucifer Morningstar my theory is he was born in June as it has J, E, S and The 3 Wiseman looked towards the stars at night to reach Jesus aka the Nightstar that's my theory.

Also most people don't know that we used to have 13 months, Beginning with March not January and the 1st day of work is Sunday and 7th day which God rested aka Sabbath is Saturday, as you know most are normies aka dummies and just want hand outs

Take care of yourself brother in December and Beat out the Cold bitch that is winter. Godbless and Godspeed \G/

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