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-Greta Thunberg - how dare YOU!-- Dan Wootton and Brendan O-Neill discuss the activist

Published on 27 Aug 2022 / In Film & Animation

The Poison DWARF is back, well not really as people those with a brain cell left ain't buying it this time. This MENTALLY ill moronic child is nothing, never was. but since it first appeared about 5 years ago we now find ourselves in the midst of a MONEY GRAB via energy for the corporates, obviously this was already planned when CUNTberk first appeared. what I just cannot understand is WTF has happened to the HUMAN SP{IRIT? Why is no one standing up to this "TERRORISM" bercause that is all it is, infact all TERRORISM if you look at it throughout modern history was due to Government anyway.

I've started doing my bit. Things like not recycling other tyhan what I can make use of, why line the pockets of the already rich by doing their work for nothing? I have many many things I do that totally curcumvernt this system and giving me less trouble that other's. I'm not going to mention them as once you speak the Magick with a "K" it'sd power is limited.

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Shrike777 3 years ago

Thx Mrghoster for bringing these news clips here.
Interesting to see perspectives' from abroad.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Thank you. There are few outlet's to getting this stuff to the public now so I do what I can. By the way your user name? Is that Shrike as in the mname of the SNAKE found in India?

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Shrike777 3 years ago

@mrghoster: No, it's the brown shrike (bird) found in Japan. It impales it's insect prey on the thorn tree.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@Shrike777: Now that is interesting/ I've heard of them but didn't know it's name. As I mentioned in India there is a Very small but very poisonous Snake of the same name. Than ks for your time to reply.

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