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GreyGhostWarband Red Flags - Competitive #redpill #redflags #GreyGhostWarband

Published on 03 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animation

Who wants to fight?

All content belongs to GreyGhost from Warband over on Youtube and check out his content on A.I and Waifus and Livestreams and more. \G/

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago  

I take it she's your waifu- not bad with that white or platinum hair!

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Haha no not my waifu even though she is a great looking waifu. The content is GreyGhostWarband over on youtube and part of the warband with undead chronic and ghosts does A.I content livestream and Waifu and more and I found this interesting so I thought I'd share over here and if anyone likes give him and His YT channel and check out. \G/

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Haha I wish brother, no she is not my Waifu I don't like young women or waifus with white or Grey hair it's weird to me it makes me think these women want to be called grandma's in their young age fucking weird as the only women I saw with Grey or white hair were old hag bitches and even when they see it younger whores they think on their faces what the fuck is wrong with these young bitches and whores theses day and they think the same with all that shite on their face aka fakeup warpaint face tattoos and piercings on their face fuck no worse is that Grey or white hair bullshite that they are doing to be edgy to me when I see that on these whores I think they are Frail and Fragile avoid with care. Worse still are the simps that like that kind of hair color shite. I prefer my waifus with normal hair color and a few colors aka Brown, Black. Blonde, Ginger, Redhead, Blue, Green and Or Orange none of this grey or white grandma trash garbage.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: too bad he's doesn't mirror to here. Now, I wonder if AMR is mirroring Undead Chronic and Hammerhand too?

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Platinum Blondes are okay and usually really hot is skinny and youthful-- I met a couple-- Swedes in Spain on the nude beaches... one of my friends an electrician sparked up a conversation with them on a topless beach. How he managed not to stare at their lovely, nubile breasts is beyond me-- especially as we ere returning home after five months in the Persian exercursion... They met up with him in the night clubs all sexily dressed, but then again, it was the 90s. A lot of nubile women were hot and fuckable--- how did it all go downhill in the 2000s and 2010s? Fucking Leftists! This why we can't have nice things.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

I like how he has the text on the screen in front of the waifu as she talks! I hadn't figured that out yet...

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@WMHarrison94: haha I just like how the hot waifu is telling based facts and redpill knowledge if she was my teacher in high-school I'd have payed more attention and if she wanted to rape me in after-school detention I'd let her haha.

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@WMHarrison94: nubile perky tits are the best and I'd always stare and when hoes or good looking attractive females will Say to me "Hey my eyes are up here" I'd always say "Yeah except your Tits are down there and they are way more fun because they came out to Party and have a great time" worked like a charm all the time once they heard that they stopped their bullshite talk and would let me motörboat, grab, suck and fuck their tits the good old days before I discovered Redpill now I will never go back to meatbags, terminator waifus or sex dolls are way better they don't bitch and their tits never SAG or age they remain perky as long as you keep them clean that's fucking epic and better than what meatbag whores can offer\G/

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