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GRIFT COPER aka $33/min DATING ADVICE: Richard Cooper: Grifter, Plagiarist, Beta Sheep, Single Mom Expert™

Published on 31 Dec 2021 / In People & Blogs

you give your hard earned cash to scammers.

wake the hell up

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I thought Cooper was pretty good, but his advice line was fucking steep. Simple - watch his vids and don't call him.

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sirte1965 3 years ago

I have been watching these PUAs for years and luckily never fell to their scammery. This said, a good friend of mine had some good experience with them. He is a blue pilled deluded moron and a soybot though, so it does not surprise me. What bothers me is that they try to parasite on the MGTOW. The point of MGTOW - the way I see is - men. going. their. OWN. way. It doesn't involve taking advice from these frauds, or - GOD FORBID - giving them a single dime of your hard earned cash. Following their bullshit will end you either in jail and a sex offender list OR with a parasite wife and (most likely) someone else's kids hanging over your neck.

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@sirte1965: If people have the money, and they want to pay him, and they find a great deal of value in what he says, then good luck to them. If Cooper is a scam artist and a cunt, let his former clients speak for him. I have not looked for them at all. So I have no idea of what he is like personally or professionally, the thing is ARE the people who pay him, for his time and advice, finding him to be good value? You see if you are not the one who is paying him, then to a point, you have no stake in the proceedings.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

What is it with these single mothers?
It's "The Nookie"! Limp Biskit

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