
Grim's Drama Farm (4/12/24) My Thoughts On AI Music Based On Experience In The Music Industry!

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Publicado em 12 Apr 2024 / Em Pessoas e Blogs

Game: Shantae Half Genie Hero (GOG)

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WMHarrison94 11 meses atrás

Artists don't have anything to fear from AI, but performers do...

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WMHarrison94 11 meses atrás

I can't wait to hear Millenials and GenZ's country music... "Life is so bad... my battery fried. The power went out, I lost my waifu. She doesn't smile any more... I can't play my hentai games... and the shelves still the grocery stores are bare... the zombie bitches keep haggling us everyday....Oh, I want my waifu back..."

Is that better? I remember the joke, "What do you get when you play a country song backwards?" You got your job back, your girls happy and horny, your dog's not dead, your dad's not in the hospital .. etc... Oh, the good old days... well not for me, I don't drink to sad country songs but alot of my family does...

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WMHarrison94 11 meses atrás

Vanessa Carlton had Walk a Thousand miles... Natalie was good two with that Because the Night Belongs to Lovers... REM was fifty years too early... "It's the End of the World..." Remember that Blue chick wasn't it with her break up song...The last time Sheryl Crow had a hit she was fucking Kid Rock... Though, I had an Archaeology Professor who went to Music College with Sheryl Crow... she graduate, taught at schools like High Schools, and then went to do back up for Michael Jackson once she paid off her student loans... She earned my respect... plus I like that song where she changes peoples' positions snd roles in life in her video.. it was on her something Global album...

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WMHarrison94 11 meses atrás

No... One of the Jonas brothers was relevant recently... we saw his dad bod and he has no kids...

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WMHarrison94 11 meses atrás

Well, pussy's pussy... it's been that way for thousands of years if your Christian or millions of years if you believe the exaggerated Satanists' unrealistic version... somewhere in between I think. The earth was the original petri dish... which is why I think their are ruins or other things older than 10,000 years and yet all of our modern civilizations or I should say recent can date back continuously to about 4th Millennium, ie six thousands years as the Bible suggests...

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