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Grim's Drunken Rants (7/20/24) JD Vance's Ban On "Legalized Obscenity" and It's Implications!

Published on 25 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs

Game: Ender Lilies (Steam)

JD Vance has lost his mind. What this means is that now the government will be huge carte blanche to decide what is obscene. Could be anything they find immoral. A very destructive blow to art and the freedom of speech.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Hmm. This game looks interesting...

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NeoGeoGamer 1 month ago

The right is allergic to power. They want to do big, showy things that will guarantee they get voted out and never win another election for decades. Part of this is that democracy requires that you cater to stupid people. They are the majority, and their vote counts the same, so the only way you're going to win an election is by getting stupid people to vote for you.

The left is much more adept at bait-and-switching stupid people. They figure out what they will do that actually works to achieve their ACTUAL goals, then they disguise it as something else that will appeal to stupid people according to their STATED goals. The right is completely incompetent at doing this, probably because it isn't as consolidated and centralized as the left. So, instead of figuring their shit out, they go full retard by banning porn.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Well, the Conservatives are okay with power: They fix all the problems the Left creates, well some of the problems. The Uniparty pays them to loose.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

They had not banned it yet...

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

And Vancecwould be VP... less influence.

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NeoGeoGamer 1 month ago

No, this is not a hard masculine push. This is a hard effeminate push. The right never, ever, ever will restore male authority, not by choice. What they always try to do is enslave men to women. A move like this might CREATE a hard masculine push when men have had enough, but it is not itself a masculine push.

You saw what he listed. Porn and gays destroyed the family? Did a gay guy break into your house and call the cops on you for your wife? Feminism and free love destroyed the family. Feminism is why women can call the cops on their husbands and get them locked up. Free love is the reason there are no chaste women to marry. Men innately know not to pay full price for used goods. Despite generations of indoctrination otherwise, men naturally know that the bible is right: a woman is not eligible for marriage unless she's a virgin.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

True. The Conservatives will never reinstall male authority because they'll fear loosing the female vote.

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Toki 1 month ago

Waiting for Trump to claim video games led to the recent theater speech event. While he pays women for sex like a top sub simp and has SS armed goons living off productive men's taxation. Next he'll be dragged to court for not paying Amouranth enough for a night. He paid her 50 million for one night but she needs more. Just let it fall apart at this point. People believe there will be an election this year lol. I'm surprised they even bother with that illusion when it's so obvious that a stranger such as president has no reason to give a damn about anyone except thyself. That's why wear fancy suits. Easy to spot the biggest con artists.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Perhaps he paid Stormy Daniels that: More likely, the Left pushed her to attack Trump and violate her Nondisclosure agreement so the Left could attack Trump.

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Toki 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: She is the left but so is Trump because he's a socialist. Remember the UBI checks he sent out?

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Toki 1 month ago

I have to listen to this later. But is that Vance guy coming after anime titties and violent video games?

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

He was, until he backtracked.

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Toki 1 month ago

@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: Yeah. These posers claim a ton of bullshit but never really do anything. One of my coworkers is a brainwashed Trump guy who believes he will eliminate the Fed income tax lol. He's also going to part the Red Sea I'm sure.

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