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Grim's Drunken Rants (Before Vacation) Music Has No Real Value Anymore, Neil Gaiman Accusations!

Published on 18 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs

Game: Book Of Korvald (Steam)

Boy, those Gaiman accusations went right out the window after the attempted Trump assassination! But the rant about music is very important, please keep in mind that I promoted records for the industry at one time!

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NeoGeoGamer 8 months ago

As you say, feminism was worse in the past. The simps who whine about third-wave feminism are just second-wave feminists who don't like to identify as such. They always crumble when you grill them about specific laws made by feminism: they won't repeal any of them, they were raised on them.

First wave was the most vile, that's the one with the bombings. Second wave was a little less vile, they stopped burning buildings and started burning bras. Third wave was less vile, they were just cunts in public. The only good feminism is no feminism.

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Toki 8 months ago

American music sure. Foreign music and anime music is still great though. German metal. Anime and video game OSTs. I even like JP women bands because they are the best female singers. However the queen of all female musicians will never retire - Hatsune Miku. You can make anything with Miku.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

I've heard all that and still feel the same way. I worked with some Japanese acts and with music around the world. The trends are apparent in every culture, you just don't notice them. Beato meant music as a whole, not just American music. These DAW effects and autotuning are used all over the world. Not just America or even the west - everywhere. Some are fine, but most are just as formulaic, useless and without value as music here. None of it has that same value when you just stream.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Damn, you giving me flashbacks Grim...I remember getting tape cassettes and cds when they first csme out: I remember buying LP singles and playing them on my dual speed record player... I have that Eminem Marshall album and I listened to a lot of music, Genesis, Phil Vollins, rap like Run DMC, Aerosmith-- I remember their collaboration song/video, Madonna's multiple albums... Like A Virgin, Like A Prayer, Papa Don't Preach, Rain, Erotica, Ray of Light, Material Girl, etc... 2 Live Crew, White Snake, Guns N Roses, shit man I even got into Cdltic Women, Ssrah McLachlan, Enya, Sophie B... Hawkins I think... Salt N Peppa... Spinderellela Sipn it one time! LOL!

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Oh yeah... Amy Grant, Amada Peres was it with her Angel song? Damn... bringing back the musical memories bro.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

No... if the Manosphere is dead it's because of the media's and guberment's attack on "incels" especially with our incel scape goat "shooter" at Pres. TRUMP.... the Manosphere will endure but we will "fade away" I hope into the dark web with our own encrypted social media and Discord replacement...

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Yeah, suffragettes were living in the Westerns... I can guess their vags was rough too eith all that sand and dirt...LOL, and horse hair...

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